Weekly Free-For-All Thread: December 31, 2017

0  2017-12-31 by AutoModerator

Feel free to use this thread for whatever you would like to discuss this week.

Since this thread is likely to fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.



I fuck children.



My poop smells bad

Say your prayers and eat your lentils, brothermen.







Arrgh, laddy, I'm gunna make ya walk the fuckin plank. Just trying out a new character.

One is too many.

Have a bless day 🍉

I used to insert bath salts into my anus in order to get high.

I hope you get high atop your apartment complex and jump off.

I live in a house, faggot.

Shit, well that 1 story jump is just going to smart.

Your words hurt

I tried that once, turned out it was actually a 'fizzy bath bomb', felt good at first, but now I've got problems.

My wife is mad at me for “ruining Christmas” because I didn’t go to some faggot open house party on Christmas Eve with her and her stupid friends. Next year I’m not putting my 4k bonus in our shared account and we’ll see how she likes buying gifts for all her faggot in-laws with her own money. There might be a murder suicide in the cards for 2018. Merry Christmas, cunt.

You got kids?

Yeah, but don’t worry, I’m not planning on Kuhning him.

Benoiting them?

Start draining the accounts into a hidden one.

4k bonus, panera bread?

I should clarify I get compensated in Zimbabwe dollars so 4k is like 25 cents USD... 24 now

Arrrgh 'appy New Year t' all me shipmateys arrrgh unless oi get gold doubloons 'fore midnoight t'noight the cap'in cha'ecter dies arrrgh

This pirate "bit" is even more retarded than you are. Anyone trying to be known in this sub with a (((schtick))) or a user name is an enormous faggot.

Everybody loves knickers bro, deal with it


You don't speak for anyone but yourself, this isn't your clubhouse, and you're a pathetic faggot for thinking that this is a tight-knit community where everyone thinks alike.

deal with it

I bet you said this with crossed arms and a lollipop in your mouth you valley girl faggot.

I see you’re struggling with the dealing with it part

I hope your struggle with HIV is long and arduous.

i call this one "the classic"


I enjoyed Chinese Knickers more tbh

I truly believe that if someone murdered knickers the jury wouldn't be allowed to see his comment history because then they would rule it a justifiable homicide regardless of other evidence

Survey: how many of you dumb faggots still laugh at the following or find these humorous to say/read?

  • calling Opie "tits" or "titty boi"?

  • racists can enter contracts, "thank you, or bringing up Joe saying he isn't a pedophile?

  • Jimmy should be fat again or Jimmy spends his time edging

  • the Cumias aren't white, they're black

You unoriginal faggots are so boring. Come up with something new for 2018.

Calling a spade a spade is never not funny.

why don't you get someone on Peoples Court then, so we can have some new material.

I wish all of you resident faggots here with these cutesy pie "ironic" names would get on Sharia court.

Why don't you come back here and shut up?

Is Bobby fat?

The difference being that's actually a bit and Bob Kelly constantly refers to his own fatness for comedic value. My four bullet points only exist in the imagination of unfunny faggots here.

It's almost like you're personally invested in this

It's almost like

Kill yourself you standard reddit catchphrase spouting moron.

One day at a time buddy :)

201 was the worst year for comedy that I can remember, I hope 2018 sees a return to more edgy humor.

1817 years of crap

"What's the deal with papyrus? This guy gets it."

"why wenches always be wanting to use a goat intestine? my man laughin! he laughin cause he know!"

Assault Life

Fill up fast? Perhaps not. This thread is dead like The Virus/Faction Talk

"Shotouts Opieradio but I fucked that niggas bitch"-Tekashi69

Benoiting them?