The Human Chimpanzee 3 (Final Sequence)

102  2017-12-31 by SpudsCuckley


This time you've nailed it.

Your Magnum Opieus.

You're a very unattractive man Mr Roberts

I'm proud of you, son.
If I didn't have HIV I'd hug you.

It's not like he can get it twice.

Is it a Rorschach test or just a shit wipe?

You, make the call!

Plz make the nugget dino shaped that'd be a cherry on top

I'd put that on my car if it came in a decal.



Project Blech

THIS IS IT ! Greatness !! TYFYS !!!

Did he mold the tendie with his mouth, or is it stuffed into that baguette?

I prey his wife has strong genetics for the sanity of "his" kids

I heard about these things, Stain tried to create these things...maybe he succeeded.

You have preserved this horror with accuracy as a warning to future generations. The world owes you its thanks.

By far the most realistic Sam yet.

Not even kidding. This genuinely looks more like him than your previous efforts.

Which raises all kinds of new questions.

The chicken tendie being is color makes this art.

I think we figured out Sam's ethnicity. He's a Who from Whoville. That round of growth hormones they gave him was the SECOND round. Before the first one he lived on a dandelion. Carried around by Erock.