I finally got around to watching the season 4 finale of Nathan For You

33  2017-12-31 by crookedmile

Quite possibly one of the funniest episodes of TV I've ever seen. Fucking hysterical.


Cool, now where's the pics of your cock

the guy in that episode is a real ass dude. he crushes mad puss.


he's a ding dong daddy from dumas

Here I go diving back in

I saw him live in front of 500 Hipster-Canadians and he just roasted us.


You can buy the episode on YouTube for like 2 dollars. Worth supporting.

Bill even makes Nathan break character when he drops a, "You've gotta know what you're sticking it in."

That was one of the highlights for sure.

best documentary of the year.

suck it, jim carey

Funniest? Yes. Best? No, but that's not to say it isn't great.

So fucking good.

I'm ten minutes into finding Frances. Thanks fella.

Bill seemed like a nice fella

Nathan for you is a classic series, best thing comedy centrals done since chappelle