The gilbert documentary is on hulu

27  2017-12-31 by juanwayne

Im about halfway through. Gilbert is a shy asian man in his personal life and takes the megabus to gigs.

Arties in it. There seems to be dried blood in one nostril and its starting its transformation into the monstrosity it is now.


fuck both of them

Is this shit good? I didn’t know he was even known as some legendary comedian until I saw the trailer for the documentary. I’m ignorant.

Its pretty good. I like the fact that hes a comedian that does rely on that im a fucked up, sexually depraved, depressed person trope that all comics rely on now.

Except half the movie is about his dieing sister and another half is just bookmarks in his career it's "Gilbert born, comic at 16, Disney, 9.11, aflack, the end".

Sure it's interesting seeing him and his wife and kids but who really wanted that peek into his life? You learn very, very little about Gilbert. I mean the coolest thing you learn is Gilbert's front door is an elevator, I've never seen that before.

I think it probably works better if you're familiar with his work and think of him as a guy with no personal life and no fear of repercussions about what he's saying. The documentary subverts the persona he's given the public and shows a much more tender side of him. A Gilbert who actually cares what others think!


It's interesting for Gilbert fans, but I'm not sure how interesting it would be if you didn't know anything about him beforehand.

When you have to describe him as "the guy from that scene in lethal weapon 2" you know he's not a legendary comedian

I don’t think you can say just because a comedian isn’t an A list actor he is not a legendary comedian.

I mean he's like Colin. If you don't follow him you would only think he's the d-list actor with memorable bit roles in films. but his stand-up is truly legendary. he was always more of a Stern guy though. look up Gilbert's roasts. he destroys rooms so easily. he looks like he doesn't even try and still destroys a room.

Sal destroys better at roasts and he does it without that annoying voice

Gilbert is a millionaire who steals coffee creamers from fast food restaurants. Artie said one time a shit load fell out of his bag at the airport and he wasn’t embarrassed in the least.

They're thrifty those people

Artie said he started laughing without a hint of shame. His Jewish dad owned a hardware store and never had shit in his life. Perhaps his dad should have said “nigger” more.

Real Ass Jew

Your time is better spent watching Too Big To Fail

I'm amazed at how gingerly he moves around. It's like he's 85 years old.

I was never a big Gilbert fan, never disliked him either....however i started listening to his Podcast and its 100 times better than anything Opie, Anthony, Jimmy or their poor sister offshoots have done in years.

Arties in it. There seems to be dried blood in one nostril and its starting its transformation into the monstrosity it is now.

I think it's prepping to be a level boss in the next Contra

Gilbert and Norm r my fav stand ups

Artie said he started laughing without a hint of shame. His Jewish dad owned a hardware store and never had shit in his life. Perhaps his dad should have said “nigger” more.