Jezebel posting "classic" articles for their 10th anniversary. Here's Lindy West's article about debating Lil Yimmy, including rape and fat jokes mentioning Erock

5  2017-12-30 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


who gives a shit didn’t we already make fun of this tub of lard

I'm sorry, fella. Didn't realize we used up the quota already.

you go out of your way to read articles that make you mad, you should be assaulted

I do. I give a shit and then some.

I'll be annoyed at this fat mess for eternity.

"Like why does my vagina have to be your crutch?"

Bitch, no one is using your vagina as a crutch. I doubt anyone is even using it as a vagina... Which is probably the reason you're an angry tub of lard.

pig ass bitch

Hippo using a typewriter

I bet Lindys count has an apple in its mouth

ah ah ah