Anthony is writing for Buzzfeed now

148  2017-12-30 by Ant_Sucks


He has statistics to back it up goddamnit!

They are not people, read the stats people!

The twist ending was well written and an excellent point that I'm sure will be missed by Buzzfeed when this gets removed.

Archived for future kek


and what the hell is a groyper?

An updated version of Pepe.


You're welcome. Racists CAN enter contracts.

I NEED to hear their response to this.


Aaaand it's gone.

This is why god invented Trump.

Good on her. This is literally all I ask. Keep writing your anti-white shit, but at least write some anti-black shit too.

Only 37?

That was well put together actually

"This one's on you, Patrice."

He was 14.

Fucking great.

Fucking monkeys.

How did this happen? What am I missing here, how did Buzzfeed publish this?

It's a community piece, not a staff piece.

They let anybody post anything to their site?

Staff would be fired - so - fired

He left out “Photography”

we heard you


“Ruining anti senitism” haha

100% this gets taken down as racist but the Whites version gets left up as sassy commentary on how oppressed minority groups are

It’s already gone

On #12, technically Black Lives Matter started as a movement to bring attention to the killing of black people by police (not just white people).

I don't care to make a black or white point here, but keep this in mind: there exists something called "swatting" where you call the police to somebody's house with the expectation that it's going to go badly for the person being "swatted."

I think it's fair to say that there is a police problem in this country. In fact, it was just recently in the news

Stop pretending like you knew what SWATing was before that news story.

I didn't know people still did it, I thought it was bigger like a year and a half ago in streaming circles.

Just because you're an uninformed dummy doesn't make it fair to assume everyone else is.

Hey look guys, there is this thing called SWATing, and I. Know all about it! Oh wow, look at just happens to be all over the news just as I type this! What a COINCIDENCE!!!

You phony cunt. You are so full of fucking shit.

It's so odd that you're this offended by it.

I never intended to hurt your feelings. Tell me where the bad man touched you.

Not offended by anything, where are you even getting that. I’m just calling out a bullshitter, a very obvious one.

Okay. You're so passionate about this, it shows that you're offended.

But you told me you aren't offended so I guess that settles it. I look forward to your next incredibly passionate, but simultaneously "don't give a shit" response.

I'm waiting, cutie. Don't leave me hanging.


Take issue with his tone if you want, but swatting has been in the news off and on for a few years. It's not a new thing.

I never said it was a new thing. Where do you get that I meant that?

The very most recent news story of this happened about 12 hours before the original commenter said something about it. He comments that "there exists something called SWATing", like the jerk off didn't get the idea to post about it here(or even learned about it for the first time) from that news story. It just happened to be in the news that very same moment, right?

Maybe the problem is the piece of shit that called the cops on the guy falsely after falsely claiming to plant bombs in a building back in 2015. You dolt.

That's definitely a problem but then it's also a problem when the police show up at the house and shoot the guy based on a single phone call that turned out to be a prank. If this was a real hostage situation how do the cops know that the person answering the door isn't the offenders brother because the offender sent him to answer the door, for example, and they end up killing the wrong person.

On the other hand, a swat team is serious business and they don't expect to be called out for anything that isn't serious. Nobody thought people would call up and claim people were dying at somebody's house that is completely unaware. Can they even risk questioning the validity of that?

Still, it does kinda strike me that maybe swat operations aren't typical in Kansas.

Well they don't needta question the validity of the claim.. definitely respond to the call. But once you get there and a guy answers the door, you don't need to open fire within seconds. At least assess the situation a little bit. Every time a guy moves his hands at all it doesn't need to be an excuse to pull the trigger and say "hey I thought he mighta been reaching for a weapon." The guy on the phone said he doused his whole house in gasoline. Did they smell any gas? Did they hear any yelling? Did the person who answered the door seem like he was in the middle of a rampage against his own family? They weren't there long enough to even know.

Kansas swat definitely isn’t getting the best training.

I'm sure they aren't but a lot of this isn't even SWAT training specific. It's just standard police training. If a guy calls the police on himself and says "I'm killing my family.. I just doused my whole house in gasoline and I'm going to set us all on fire... you better get here quick" and then you show up at the house and a guy calmly answers the door does that not seem odd? Wouldn't you expect to smell gasoline? Wouldn't you expect to hear some commotion in the house? Wouldn't you expect the person who answered the door (who also is the person who allegedly just called the police on himself) to be frantic and have some idea about why you are there? You don't need SWAT training to have a basic idea of what to expect from a situation like this. It's a policing situation.

It's hard to put swatting even in the conversation of a police problem. Having a system in place to effectively deal with a hostage situation in a timely manner isnt a bad idea on paper, its the people that prank call them to go to someone's house for no reason. Hard to blame the police on that one.

This is gonna be one of those posts that's going to get a tremendous amount of heat from the (((media))), but other subs are going to take the credit for it. Once again; we'll fly under the radar with these media types, whether we like it or not. A blessing and a curse.



Do you think someone from this sub wrote this?

This is so Racist! Stop bringing up facts. They reflect reality and it is reality that keeps down the proud Nubian Princes that rule the modern Urban Apocalypse. Facts are bad, unlike Watermelon, Fried Chicken and Grape Soda. That's a balance diet.

Saying black people ruined rap is retarded though.

He’s talking about the current state of rap- black guys with Lil’ names, face tattoos & dresses, mumbling about cartoons. That’s what is ruined.

But they made the good rap. And face tattoos is a white guy thing.

Look at the picture under the comment. Those four pink haired, face tattooed sissies are the current state of rap music & that's what the point is about. Those guys aren't exactly Rakim & Ice Cube.

Where are we at with Bubba Sparxxx

Where’s the rest of the list?

fawwkin got those coloreds sock cucka

They deleted this, have they deleted the one about whites that it was spoofing?

Here'sh the thing, okay? These are the blogger posts of Buzzfeed. I'm not sure why nobody is using this to any advantage by writing all sorts of "horribly racist" articles then sharing them using the Buzzfeed link as a source. This is how you subvert and destroy their narrative. Use the Jew's tactics against them.

It's ok to be white, it's ok to be white, it's ok to be white

You racist!

Why was this removed? It was informative.

Greatest list ever.

Anthony wouldn’t be clever enough to write all that. Actual race talk that stays funny. Ant can barely write with proper grammar, with that high school dropout education.

wouldn't it be funny if we all created community accounts and kept reporting it?

Obviously BuzzFeed isn't going to let this stay up for a second when they realize what's going on, not sure how it got approved in the first place, even though it is just a harmless perspective. I know I sound like Ant but an open and honest discussion is really seriously just not in the cards for any type of progression. Lucky for me I dont care, but god people are so stupid that think repression and outrage is going to get them anywhere.

And it's down again. Boy they really must not mind being called hypocrites with the white list still up.

This is the first time I've ever tried to reach buzzfeed

The story is off buzzfeed now, what was it?

They let anybody post anything to their site?

Staff would be fired - so - fired