Bert Kreischer... TJ Miller... Judd Apatow...

58  2017-12-30 by Single_Action_Army


Faggot leaf

I always thought this was just a gay thing

The entire Jim and Sam audience.

Open mouth/Exposed Teeth is usually a dominant, aggressive gesture. You ever see two wolves fight over shit?

A lot of people on 4chan are myopic, paranoid fruits that see jewish control in everything, even in their fucking kitchen tables. It went from playful joshing and fucking around/irony to actually believing in the nonsense you're supposed to be trolling people with.

you had me at "see jewish control in everything"

he said primate expression which makes more since as a comparison since chimps and humans are both primates

I agree with you about /pol/

But they are dead right about this one. There's no arguing it. If you google image search "fear grimace", you will see they are very openly showing their teeth. The nu male smile is done out of feebleness and subconscious fear of looking serious, or like they're anything more than a spineless sack of jelly

If this bothered you it's because you or your social circle does that face, or you have done it recently enough in life to feel embarrassed when you realize /pol/'s analysis was true, so you reacted emotionally and tried to repress the truth and believe something else

are you kidding me? look at these wolves ready to pounce!

Jamie, pull that up. POWERFUL wolves man.

He is probably a NY soy boy jewish kid who walks around with his mouth open

He's a dunder head and u just exposed him lol.

Implying /pol/ exist on 4chan.

I just see dorks making a face for a picture to express excitement mixed with an heir of "I'm fun and silly". I cannot recall anyone in my social circle ever making this face

Its funny to me how this subreddit is populated by the dumbest basement dwelling 4chan alt-right retards 99% of the time but all of a sudden everyone an anthropologist and expert in human behavior in this post.

Is it really funny to you?

I mean mostly its sad and it would be pathetic if it actually elicited pathos but all these angry young white guys throwing tantrums and circle jerking about how masculine they are and how UNmasculine all those insufferable soyboys are is pretty funny.

What’s the deal with this subreddit? It seems like The_Donald where most of the posts have nothing to do with the content it should, just shitting on celebrities they hate.

Wolves aren't primates, moron

Someone’s never seen Teen Wolf

That wolf was a Fox

Canidae yumah

Nah, jews are a problem. Some of them at least. Kinda like an organised criminal group but bigger. /pol/ is definitely basement dweller central though.

Also, 4chan became super unsafe recently. They started running some very weird codes in the background that potentially opens up your PC to danger. I'm avoiding it for a few months and see if some major scandal breaks out about that.

We have a Bolshevik problem in this country with a large jewish cross over into that. Not every jew is a pRobles but ever Bolshevik is and a lot of them are Jewish. Especially in the media

I'm a jew (non connected and poor) and i agree with you. Jews clearly have an influence on society that is disproportionate to our population. It really makes me sick considering I have to slave away in a basement cutting sheet metal and these mother fuckers are ruining the fun non-PC atmosphere I prefer to live in

Why do you have to do your sheet metal work in a basement?

Shitty luck

Jews hire Jews. It's that simple really. Non-jews need to not hire Jews.

Hello, jew.

U walk around like that, don't u. Jew

Yep, 4chan is a danger to society, we need to stop them. But first they should deal with the threat of 9gag.

It went from playful joshing and genuinely hilarious fucking around/irony, to actually believing in the nonsense you're supposed to be trolling people with.

This has been going on in this subreddit for 2 full years at this point and its so obvious and transparent.

There's this fat cunt on IG whose trademark is this open mouth horse expression. It's infuriating

Tahj Mowry nice lol

I kind of want to facefuck her horse mouth

I HATE when she ruins the monday podcast >:(

'Glozell'??? Fuck this bitch.

I'll take 'Untalented faggots' for $1000, Alex

fawkin swim walk

Ku Cucks Klansmen


Is that Wil Wheaton on the right?

Yes - the biggest cunt of the group.

"Why not Will Rye or somethin, tss...?"

Grain yuma

"Working for the democrats of somethin? Tsss..."

I googled fear grimace and they're exactly right. It's always soft beta males making this face in photos

It's always soft beta males making this face in photos

Its one of the key identifiers of Soy Boys

Soy boy is my new favorite insult

It's hard to take seriously when the people saying it are nearly indistinguishable from the ones they are using it on.

Hey I still like it when some fat cunt calls another fat cunt a fat cunt

It already died weeks ago, /r/MDE killed it.

This is actually pretty u have anything else saved like it?

Are you sure it isn't because they're ready to swallow a load?

Joe Rogan said it's a great source of protein.

Wash your alpha-brain down with fresh load

Just like it tells you to do on the bottle

These dickfucks don’t bother me as much as Kevin Smith’s utterly enraging picture face

with this stupid pointing at the person next to him. Enraging.

Enraging? Do you always mimic lol Jimmys phrases or just today?

Actually it's because they suck peckahs. haha, got em.

Meanwhile you're all probably a bunch of disgusting fat fucks that fight with your mom when she tells you to smile for a picture on Christmas. Too afraid to smile cause you're ugly and you know it. Banging on your keyboards about "soyboys" and "chads" and masterbating 3-4x a day to gagging porn while not feeling the touch of a female in years (if ever). Memeing away and worshiping YouTube "celebrities" like Sam Hyde who feels nothing but contempt for your pathetic existence. But hey, it's all good, cause you are owning the libs through your meme magic. And come 2018 you'll start cleaning your room like Professor Jordan Peterson told you and then you will become the hammer and no longer the nail.

Wow, at least you didn't say pretty much every single idiotic stereotype that the "in-crowd, non-civilian" type comics say when discussing their haters, maaaaaaaan.

Go alt-fuckyourself, you reddit hack.

All I did was read what you losers constantly say on this Reddit sub and mock you for it

And all I did was point out the hacky was in which you did so. Now that we're both clear on what the other did, please continue with my earlier suggestion.

A joke or or premise can be hacky. A cold, irrefutable, objective fact cannot. Use better words

Fuck me, some chick included me in her gay Snap the other night and I instinctively took a similar pose.

Because you're a faggot

The unholy trinity of faggotry.

Real life 2017 Will Wheaton is more of a faggy twerp than fictional 2364 Wesley Crusher. You bet your ass I knew that year off the top of my head.