Is Mars the most consistent person in the history of the O&A Universe?

8  2017-12-30 by SpaceVC

Like, he still works there right? It's for sure been close to a decade if not more.


I don’t know if he’s still at XM. I do appreciate that he was content to stay in the background unlike Troy Quay or Danny or Neanderthal Roberts.

Is he still on Jim and Sam?

I think so, but I'm honestly not 100% sure. He's been around for fucking ever.

I could have sworn I heard them mentioning mars leaving around 2013-2014 and how the equipment works a lot better now that he's gone. Can't find the clip tho brotherman

Wasn't Jacob (the producer) from Bonfire previously an intern on R&F under a different name?

If not, then they had an intern who sounded exactly like him, and I've never heard anyone else with that voice.