“England is a fag country with a muslim problem. Also, Dunkirk was gay.” -Mr. Fred Rogers

3  2017-12-29 by Every1ShouldBKilled

This was a great American, bros.


England is a muslim country with a fag problem.

The last great British film I saw was Kill List.

That's a good one

I haven't seen Dunkirk, though based on my knowledge of the events it was a lot of guys sitting around waiting to be killed, but Hitler was like "eh, leave em be"

That said, how about a movie about Stalingrad or Leningrad? The Ruskies were far braver than any of those whiny Brit tards.

Enemy at the gates was fun as I remember, I don't know how it holds up but the Stalingrad fight was horrifically great.

I agree, there is far more potential entertainment in the Eastern front, where two Nations of Real Men were fighting one another.

Sadly Hollywood is too enmeshed with politics to create a movie that would appear to glamorize Russia.

Dunkirk was pretty disappointing.

No it wasn't. Was one of the best war movies in years.

It was boring. The most "exciting" part of the movie was a bunch of dudes in a boat waiting for high tide. Some stories are better as books.

Im irish and England is full fags and muslims

I'm English and Ireland is full of potato farmers who wish they were English.

And who had to get bailed out by the brits.

You bailed them out because your faggy leaders were afraid the Irish would start blowing up your cities again.

Enemy at the gates was fun as I remember, I don't know how it holds up but the Stalingrad fight was horrifically great.

I agree, there is far more potential entertainment in the Eastern front, where two Nations of Real Men were fighting one another.