There is no one more pathetic, sad and annoying than Stalker Patti.

0  2017-12-29 by TonyFromLongIsland

'Cept Opie.


I disagree. Stalker Patti is a surprisingly resilient person who is able to hold a job and see the goodness in life.

Here, here for Stalker Patti!

I've been listening consistently to Ron & Fez since 2007 thanks to braunheiser's archive, and oh my god she's the fucking worst when she comes into that show. I have nothing of substance here but hyperbole but you gotta believe me!!

Interesting. What in particular makes her awful? May you provide an example? I've only been exposed to her in doses, so maybe you have a point here.

Her absolute lack of self-awareness. She thinks that because she works a pathetic job at Starbucks that she has some moral superiority over people like our beloved Lady Di. She thinks she and Bobo are in completely separate categories and not the same kind of waste.

When asked why she never has been in a relationship, been intimate with or even kissed a man she replies "Ohh I don't know about that I don't wanna any ESS-TEEE-DEEEE'S" or "No no I'm smarta than thaaaayaaat" like the retarded old knock-knee'd cunt that she is.

She genuinely thinks the people that she interacts with in the studio are her friends and that she isn't some fucking freak there to poke fun at.

Opie shaving that cunt's head and then taking her wig were the highlights of his career. I hope she falls down and never gets up again.

Would you rather sit threw 8 minutes of Janice from Chicago's nap inducing calls?

Her constant sob story begging comes to mind.

Patti is a sweetheart.

Take it back

Stalker Pattie is a foundling with enough vacation time to make any moocher hard

I actually find her accent kinda sexy. I live nowhere near the northeastern seaboard, so it's exotic for me.

Do you have an accent fetish?

Sure, though definitely not for all of them. Most Midwestern accents are a real dick-softener.


At least she has dignity