Artie Lange just attempted suicide. No word on his condition.

87  2017-12-29 by NortheastPhilly


You bastard.

Comedy: Rich Vos, DeRay Davis, Josh Blue

What does that have to do with this emergency situation?

Oh wow it all makes sense now since I didnt just FUCKING post this you retard


What aint no country I ever heard of. They speak English in what?


Say something to convince me you aren't profoundly retarded

ok, you're a fucking faggot. kys, nigger

That's retard speak

I'll consider the source


Im curious too.

This was a good one ..fuckface

Lotta problems in that room sniff

Leave it alone!

How's that feel DICK HEAD?!?!?

Drowning in spit is not how I'd do it

I know a certain non pedo that WOULD do it though

I would've been more surprised if Artie had attempted suicide.

Ohh you.

"Hilarities" "Funny Stop"'s unbelievable that someone really can admit to being in these buildings.

Funny bone is the worse name

What about the Comedy Cove at Scotty's Steakhouse?

thank god it's just a Vosroll

Idk I think artie killing himself would be an interesting twist in the saga. I would feel bad but damn it would give every show tons of material.

How so?

He's not like a powerhouse of funny, so I don't really care if he comes back to the AA show, but it would make things interesting while everyone mourns/discusses his life or whatever. Plus then ant will get a new cohost

Knew it

Did you? Did you? Did you? did you did your did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you food you did you did you'd did you'd did you'd did you did you food you'd did sound did you'd did you'd diss ous

another fake suicide attempt to take off from work.

You know he did the same thing on Stern right?

You don't fake stab yourself lol. He may have not actually wanted to kill himself (the proverbial cry for attention) but he still stabbed himself, that's really fucking hard to do.

Yea but you can stab yourself with a Bowie knife or you can stab yourself with corn holders. There are degrees of stabbing yourself.

How about a kitchen knife, plus he drank bleach. Is that sincere enough for you?

Heroin junkies don't think logically. Surprising I know

No Vos date?

Very disappointed in the failed comedic potential of this headline.

Vos date in the headline would kinda ruin it dontcha think

Thank god it's a Vosroll. I thought we were going to have to start pretending to find things we liked about Artie.

Artie is a coward and only tries 'save-me' suicide methods.
If he had any balls he'd use a shotgun that fat cunt.

Good bit

Savage fuckery

Fuck you, good one spade.

Thoughts and praye....ahh god damnit

The fact that anyone would either

A) fall for this B) upvote it as somehow funny

Means it's time to end the charade and just merge this subreddit with r/RickAndMorty

What amazing is that I believed this wholeheartedly.

I'm more surprised that the title is fake.

Vos same old shit

If you didn't see this coming you have no place on this sub.

I haven't even clicked the link and I know it's a Vos plug.

Get in the game, you fucking mugs.

agreed. 3/10

I was wondering why Artie would lug his way to Ohio to off himself.

I need to change my flair to "gullible faggot".

Wasn't the real article supposed to be in the obituaries?

Artie's been committing suicide for 20 years now.

Vos got us with the best Vos Roll when he posted his dates on an IG post of his daughter getting proposed to.

You fucking faggot.

Innovative...cunt lips.

Did you? Did you? Did you? did you did your did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you did you food you did you did you'd did you'd did you'd did you did you food you'd did sound did you'd did you'd diss ous