New Years Resolution Thread for O n A sub mugs.

2  2017-12-29 by WhippingHuskies

Do any of you guys have resolutions/goals/plans/promises to be made this New Year?


New Years resolutions are for fags. It's easier to be a horrible person without a plan.

What if your plan is to be a horrible person?

If you have to plan it's not genuine hate, sir.

I've said it before: If we don't get a new 100% Italian by the 31st I'm going to shoot myself in the head.


Don't do it Ghost, too many lentils left to eat.

Continue to not be dead

Wish me luck

Good luck, fawwkyeah. Godspeed.

  1. Dont smoke weed

  2. Get a man

You're a strong independent black woman that don't need no man.


  1. We all know the negro cant withstand the temptation of the grass

  2. It's net about getting a man, it's about keeping a man.

Both very good points. Im sure ill be smoking blunts with a tinder fuckboy within a few weeks

Good luck, Bams-seed.

Im gonna hit the gym for the first 2 weeks of January and then stop until next January

Me too unfortunately. I signed up today. Good luck though, dude, and try to have some discipline for once in your sedentary, gluttonous life.

Im actually of sound body and mind

You think your better than me, huh- chip on his shoulder guy / wassat?

I'm going to fuck Lyndzi Hughes right in the ass. Her sexual frustration has got to be off the charts.

And what a delicious lil rump she has on her. Probably smells something awful on account of her lower stock philly trash diet, but nonetheless, still tasty.

I want to see a picture of it.

She's got tiny tits but I bet her ass is phenomenal.

Some people here I believe have seen her in the flesh and have remarked on what a shapely, ripe lil keister she's sporting.

My resolution is to be meaner to Opie & Anthony. I don't think we all met our quota for this year, so we need to up our production.

Sell the summer home; finally settle on a name for the yacht

Finally fake my death and make my escape into some south American rural town. Or just go for an actual suicide in some made up freak accident alarm final destination