VIDEO: Luis G Jomez confronts Sam & mocks Norton over Mary Jean situation

194  2017-12-29 by RapistWithHIV


I feel a bit sad for Jim, although it was great to see Dave Smith keeping rightfully quiet & cucked.

I feel a bit sad for Jim

I feel a bit sad for what a faggot your father thinks you are.

What kind of faggot knows who his father is?!

I don't know any guys I ain't fawkin gay


If imitation is a form of flattery, your tongue is deep in my asshole

He's pretty good at it. Before I looked at the name I'd assumed it was your cunty ass. I'll need to up my game.

Now say something shitty.

Sam is fucking disgusting. Did he really forget how Mary Jean assaulted one of his own staff? The fact that he even needs to be pushed into not having her on the show is the perfect example of what spineless faggots both he and Jim are.

Even if they decide not to have her back, it's too late now. The whole thing has already gone too far. J&S were my last connection to the O&A "family" and I am now severing that connection.

Fuck both of those pathetic little vermin.

I hope you're not implying that Sam looked [](wormy & uncomfortable.)

Sam also knows he has very little control over the show as he is a nobody and Jim is a, ugh, "celebrity".


Finally! We have a winner! Jesus people actually think he calls the shots just cause his name is on the wall haha

At this point I'd say Sam is probably more well known due to his gay wrestling gigs.

I disagree. He goes on and talks for like 20 minutes before a PPV. People only know him because black people roast him on twitter because he looks like a tuber vegetable.

I'm just saying parsnips head has eyes on him. No one is searching for Jim's tranny worshiping stand up specials.

I don't think even wrestling fans know or care who Sam is. Jim has at least been front and center on Netflix for a couple days.

Sam brought up how she punched his staff and showed the video of it.

Oh, so he does remember and just isn't concerned about the wellbeing of his coworkers enough to tell her to fuck off. He's even more of a piece of shit than I thought.

lol Are you actually upset that Sam doesn't care about the wellbeing of his coworkers?

Look, it'd be one thing if Mary Jean was simply not an interesting or entertaining guest. I could write it off as Sam and Jim just helping out a friend. But when you add the fact that she's also a violent cunt it becomes inexcusable in my opinion.

psst. You're gonna roon it.

I don't think it's Sam that is interested in having Mary Jean on the show ever. It's Jim. And Sam most likely knows that if he says he doesn't want Mary Jean every again Jim will throw a temper tantrum like he did when Opie told him that porn chicks don't make good radio anymore. Jim is the one who needs to be convinced not to have this broad on the show.

Wasn't she a regular on his night show? That's how she and Adrian became so close because she was Sam's man on the street. It was so hilarious.

Yep. This sub is full of incorrect and faggy hypotheses.

Tsss arrrgh ye what about hypotheoceans or summit


Don't mistake my attacking Sam for a blinds pot to Jim's enabling of this wild she-beast. I'm mostly going after Sam because he is the one featured in this particular clip. Jim definitely has a role in this. As I said though, I'm done supporting either of them from now on. I'm fully on board the hate train.

Sam probably loves staff drama akin to WWE faggotry.

That’s the thing, you can tell he thinks he’s some mastermind behind all the chaos, but he’s either too stupid to know the radio sucks with her on it or is too pussy to stand up to her/jim.

His response to his intern being hit by her was that “he ended up quitting anyway”. His faggy defense of this pig is so pathetic. You know deep down he thinks he’s some wrestling promoter organizing all this chaos but he’s actually a faggot who is afraid of confronting jim or this whore.

If they had talent they could make good radio off of it. It's not like O&A wasn't unfamiliar with having complete trainwrecks on the show.

She just does Sandy Kane's old bit of saying "outrageous" sexual things but in a dumber way. If Jim didn't want to fuck her and trashed her instead it could be funny.

except sandy kane can take a joke and sounds fucking hilarious with her disgusting ashtray voice talking about getting raped by Richard Pryor

Marie Jean is a humorless cunt but let's not act like someone assaulting a member of the staff would've prevented O&A from having them on if they actually brought something to the show. They had all sorts of detestable people in studio over the years and neither Jim or Sam batted an eyelid.

I didn't say that O&A were more virtuous than J&S. I agree that O&A had awful people as guests over the years.

What makes this situation unique in my mind is the combination of two factors: First, that such a large segment of the fanbase do not find Mary Jean interesting or entertaining and yet they continued to have her on. Second, that they are so friendly to someone that is clearly violent and has been violent to one of their own co-workers.

If you can find a similar example from the O&A days I would be happy to call O&A scumbags for their behavior as well.

Not really O&A, but Sherrod fits that description from O&J and definitely Opieraqio days.

Also Pat Duffy. Though maybe people liked him...I always thought he was a tryhard.

They don't want to upset Laney, as she is the font of half the guests Jim wants on his show. She's on the same level as Dana White to Jim.

I'll see you in three weeks



I think jim would think its funny. The look on ChipCuck Smiths face was great. Wanted no more of Lil' Yimmi.

Yeah, Jim may be a faggot retard but he’s our faggot retard to do with as we please. Dave Jones or Smith or, whatever his name is, is a pile of shit.

I found a picture of mary jean back at cumias nigger palace dating back to 2013. Sucking on a banana with her tits out, of course. How long has this cunt been going on D level radio shows doing whoreish shit?

I don't know, I assume it has something to do with Lanie but 'Cumia's nigger palace' made me laugh a lot.

Lanie is a dirty Shrek-looking kike who brought some of the most boring guests to OnA. Not only were they boring porn whores but, Penthouse. Wow! You take pictures of your tits for a magazine in an age where you can get 1080p anal in three clicks. Tell us more!

Isn't Lanie the handler for all these wildebeests? I can't remember her last name. She should bring a cattle prod anytime she trotts out that cum bucket

dirty Shrek-looking kike

As if there is any other kind!

Also it's a new York show. Only a retard makes porn in New York. The reason pornstars went on stern was because he invited them to come to new york

Say New York again


theres one from early 2014. feel free to scroll back in time yourself. Saw some photos of her with sam in 2014/2013 as well.

Shes a radio groupie... how sad

She has the grotesque tits i have ever seen. Her right one looks a good 2 cup sizes bigger than the left.

Legitimately looks like a talking chimp.

Working so hard to keep his upper lip covering those gap teeth

Sam has an upper lip?

Plus showing your teeth is a sign of aggression in among apes.


Looking around for an idea how the hell to respond - like a dog being told off for shitting on the rug. Pathetic.

Can we get a longer clip of this? I’m sure it went on a while

You’ll have to wait for the podcast to be released most likely

Arrrgh they mostly come at night mostly arrrgh

Luis may become top dog over this debacle. The first time a Puerto Rican has held the title.

thanks matey

Nothing really happened. Sam refused to kick her off the show and kept defending her being a violent train wreck as "hilarious" and they eventually gave up and moved on.

Pretty much. For some reason, Sam thinks pissing off his audience is good radio.

He thinks it's the old days where we don't have better shit to listen to. Just look at the Instagram comments when her picture is posted. She's universally hated.

Sam thinks pissing off his audience is good radio.

I mean it is. Look how much fun we had doing jocktober and trolling Opie and Brother Joe. Basically being assholes for fun. Sam just on the wrong side of the equation

He deserves his future irrelevance

If you are going to piss off your listeners, you have to give them a reason to put up with that. Like humor or an interesting, well constructed opinion. He has none of that

If the clip is longer you might have to hear Dave Smith speak.

Background Noise McGillicutty

Where can I find the full clip? For free. Not that interested.

I think I'd pay good money to see Sam Roberts and Dave Smith fight to the death.

They'd probably just slap fight until it became too embarrassing to watch any more. Neither would have the strength to actually kill the other.

Actually Dave Smith is quite skilled from years of living room jiu jitsu with Luis.

I thoughr dave was a tough street kid from brooklyn

Yeah nothing says "tough" like a Brooklyn jew


His pah-rents had da MUNNY OHHHH

Im sure the free market would adjust so they both get to cum at some point

They would both die of old age before they did enough damage.

You had me at “they would both die.”

They'd probably end up making out to be honest

Wouldn't work. They'd both end up doing that thing where a woman starts beating the chest of a man and then falls into his arms and starts crying. They'd cancel eachother out.

Dave Smith is a huge huge huge faggot but 8 year old girls could beat seven shades of shit out of Sam Roberts. Literally anyone could.

If you beat the shit out of Sam Roberts, nothing would be left?

Just the skinbag it came in.

A bunch of dirty mongrels is the ones doing entertainment now

No wonder it's shit.

Mullen, consistently bringing the laughs

methinks thou dost protest too much Luis.

basic grade school psychology states the girl you mock is your biggest crush.

Anybody got the full show? /u/braunheiser comment?

anyone uploaded this episode?

Big Jay is rocking that "passed out at a party in high school" haircut.

"passed out at a party in high school"

Anthony's favorite.

Middle School

Some guest on the Bonfire (Normand?) said he looks like a mall Santa on a smoke break.

is that my boy Nick Fucking Mullen?!

That's right folks.

he's sayin what needs to be sayid

I love the rattle snake

fans hate her and she is an unstable idiot prone to violence. there’s no reason for jim and sam to be so loyal to this whore. it’s selfish and spiteful but whatever it’s their awful show and that’s how they want it.

the only reason is because jim wants to take his kinks to work. he enjoys being a creep 24 hours a day. its no longer enough to do it on his off time.

David Smith or whatever his generic ass name is kept the fuck out of it, he's already been killed once by Jim.

Link to Jim trashing that faggot?

why do some posters here ask for links to shit that have been shared a ton or easily found on youtube? fucking retard

Because people arnt fucking jerkoffs and are willing to help find a particular clip

my bad, ur right. the video is posted on

What a topical reference you fucking faggot. Go jerk off to that site again

I know and thank you

I'm glad this had a happy ending.

You could literally just type "Jim Norton Dave smith" into YouTube, it would've been easier for you to find it than to comment asking for a link, try being self sufficient you fucking moron

How rude.


At this point I’m convinced a sizable percentage of this subreddit’s traffic are high school juniors who have never even actually listened to an entire O&A show

aka Ant's dream

A bunch of Kenyans who heard there's a guy on the internet who'll send you an iPad if you pretend to be an underage girl.

Real ass dude of the week

Why did Luis motherfuck him like that?

Muthafucked ssssscumbags.

None of them gave a shit when she assaulted Adrian or that other pornstar so why should they care that she tried to hit that faggot?

Mary Jean looks like a transgendered Joe DeRosa, where he was adamant on getting ridiculous tit and ass implants.

Hahaha Dave Smith ain't saying shit, that nigga knows better.

Hey, the lead singer of hoobastank had a pretty good line there.

Can i got a link to spic vs tmnt


Sam is clearly laughing at the pics of her and Jim, and has never asked to have a pornstar on the show to my knowledge. He could not care less about random pornstars, with dicks or otherwise, so I don't see why anyone would imply he's not addressing it or whatever. He's brought up multiple times how she started fights with several O&A/J&S people before. Jim enjoys having something to look at during the show, and someone to hit on, it has nothing to do with Sam.

Shut uuup

Dave sure got quiet

Luis' instinctive "EW!!" upon seeing jimmy's disgusting pursedog cuck selfies with frankenstink is such a genuine, accurate reaction.

Sam's an asshole....trying to attack someone, and attacking someone are the same thing. Both are considered assault.

Has the full video been posted anywhere?

It appears that Luis J. Gomez has found this sub's clitoris

Sam was so fucking nervous. Luis played the wrong card. It's not about her attacking his "friends" (since when are they friends anyway) it's about the fact that she's an ugly porn star who isnt funny.

Sam Roberts the stone faced humorless retard who won't invite Colin or Norm in regularly, but thinks ugly porn stars and nu-male wrestlers are "hilarious"

Gomez eats a fat one for no money, m.j eats a fat one for money opposites attract

But Dave Navarro

Dave looked scared to say a word about Norton.

I don't like that guys like that bean person Gomez are trying to attach themselves to the O&Averse, they will never be like the old rat pack of the Tough Crowd comics because they're a bunch of millennial try hard "bro" comics who don't fit in no matter how edgy they try to be. I don't care for Mary Jean more than anybody else does, but fuck that idiot for thinking they have any say on what the Worm and missing link do on their show.

they will never be like the old rat pack of the Tough Crowd

You sound like a fantastically massive faggot.

I bet you watch Guy Code you fag

He’s a real ass dude.

I'm starting to like this Puerto Rican bigger a lot more