Reminder: Pornstar Brie Olson had a crush on Jimmy and he turned her down "aaa she lives far away you know"

54  2017-12-29 by pabbseven

Even though shes in studio. Everyone called him a homo whilst he was serious-Jimmy trying to give excuses to not fuck her, even when she said she wanted.

Currently listening to 2008-09-11 and im frustrated by his disgusting excuses.

Norton is like a teenager who only wants what he cant get i.e that cam tranny from Norway and that shrek Pornstar Louis beat up.


He did fuck her

He did. When the Charlie Sheen HIV story broke, Jimmy was all over it because of this connection. Although I guess Jimmy fucked her years before she became one of the "goddesses".

(Also one reason Ian Halperin was on so much back then in the late years of O&A--he had the story, but not enough to go on the record, as loathe as i am to give that Canadian cunt credit for anything.)

It’s ‘loath’, dummy. Next time you attempt to be coherent, check with me first. I loathe stupid.


What does that mean? I'm stupid

You're correcting my spelling, you fucking homo. Go fuck yourself.

The proper spelling is "homosexual", sir.

You didn’t misspell it you used the wrong word. I correct because I love, ginger snap.

No, I misspelled it resulting in the wrong word.

Use some capitalization in your username before jump down some other dude's cock

Jim Norton has had AIDS for years.

Have you ever been in a gay neighborhood and noticed that all the men are incredibly skinny? That's not diet and exercise, that's AIDS.

Have you ever been in a gay neighborhood


Hey, we gotta real hetero over here, look out!


This guy fucks chicks everybody! He's so straight, he's never even set foot in a gay neighborhood.


And Jimmy also fucked: - chick that was in the 50 gallon drum challenge that hadn’t sleazed up bent over a toilet - a tranny behind a dumpster - Chelsea Peretti - a woman who had just eaten peanut brittle (ok mouthfucked her) - a pregnant crack whore that lit up in his grandma-ma’s house...
- Brazillian whores - a European tranny while recently visiting a chess museum in Iceland

.... and all with no bag.....

So there is a long line of questionable hookups for the Jimster...

Don't forget Vos's ex-wife.

Really? I don’t remember that.... when was that brought up?

Vos was talking about being cheated on.

He half-jokingly referred to when he & Jimmy were driving to his ex-wife's new house and Vos forgot the exact directions.

Then Jimmy pipes up and says, "Oh, you make a left here."

And Vos always wondered how he knew that.

Plus, when they got there, there was a book of matches in her living room ashtray from a club that Jimmy did a gig at the night before.

Once in awhile, Vos brings this up again, and Jimmy alway clumsily and awkwardly tries to quickly change the subject.

It's almost like he's not attracted to women.

Though to be fair, Bree Olson is weird looking. Most of these porn stars are tiny because it makes the dicks looks proportionally larger. When you see them in a situation other than a close up shot of their asshole being filled they look like weird little munchkin people.

Bree Olson is weird looking

You're out of your mind.

I couldn't agree more. Always thought she was full of shit though cause she acted the same way toward howard as she did jimmy. Side note, i jerk off at least three times a year to the video she did for I'd fuck her in the ass mouth and cunt.

On stern once she talked about a super rough seen she filmed once but wasn't going to release. God I'd love to see that. Also i am a piece of garbage.


I'm heating up

Already finished here.

I did have her nude bosoms pressed into my face though, luckily. So at least I've done something with my life.

I'm sorry but anyone under 5'5" should be euthanized. Their heads are too disproportionate.

Hey what did Joe Rogan ever do to you

Aren't you a tranny?

Yeah, but at least I'm not short.

Wow. So you are all in proportion I'm sure.

My dick is a little bigger than average if that's what you want to know.

I was referring more to your big thick wrists and manly jaw, ludicrously setting off your eyeliner.

Funnily enough, I actually have very slim wrists and a small jaw. Had you mentioned my lunchbox fists or broad shoulders I might have been offended.

And only faggots think wearing garish eyeliner offsets your masculine traits.

You got me, I don't know about make up. Such a fruit. What size are your feet?

Somewhere between Uma Thurman and Sam Roberts

She's very sexy. But for a porn star, she's kinda unremarkable. Just a dime-a-dozen pretty blonde.

How fat are you? I'm guessing 5'9 320. Like a monster, but a body of a walrus.

Fatest I've ever been was 220, but I'm 5'10 and that was like 8 years ago. I'm normally about 160-170.

Killer insight fatso, we sure did learn a lot

This is true. I've never seen a porn star over 5'5" tall land a lot of them are around 5'2"

/u/Guinness525, comment?

Getting aids from pussy isn't worth it. Getting it from having ur anus caved in by a Edge lookalike is though

So what? Jimmy has been taking prep for his monthly trannyfuckings anyway. He should be immune by now.

For a second I forgot he went I the world's largest podcast and admitted he takes prep.

Jim was on Chip’s podacast?

The wrestler or guitarist. It's important ya know..

Leave it as "porque no los dos" and if any of these white pig skin Neanderthals cant understand it, then fuck em!

He's also said many times that he tried to fuck her again and tried to plan trips to LA to see her but she ghosted him. But that was fat Bush years Jimmy...

Considering that Jim loves whores, you'd think he go to Mexico at some point. Charlie Sheen relocated from the San Fernando Valley to Mexico.

You're surprised that Carlos Estévez (his real name) moved to Mexico?

Mexico is the Disneyland of whore aficionados

Dvv Brie what is she, some kind of french soft cheese or sth dvvv

That shit was cheesy, yo.

Tss yeah, why can't Jimmy find a cooter to fawk?

Cuz that mugs a provo-LONER! Take us out yah fat fawkin pig DVV DVV

FAWK YEAH Cuz he's pepper jackin

tssss u and I should go on the road with this shiznit

Tss fawk yeah. Good thing our humor isn't too bleu!

Mary Jeans cootah lookin like some moldy cheese and shiznit.

TSS and wen she cums her pussy drips sour cream

theres the ball sockcucka, run with it

Who gives a shit about a whore.

Even though Jimmy was best friends with the girl he was dating he cheated on her. She's still friends with him because she didn't want to lose the friendship and is about 30 years more mentally mature than Jim. If it was the other way around he'd never talk to that ssssscumbag again. When his "relationship" with the camwhore tranny was on the rocks and he was all suicidal and mopey he texted his ex, and she told him to stop being such a little bitch and get over it because she's an adult.

He can't hold a relationship with a woman because he's a boy (aka Peter Panthony syndrome)

And he's gay

Later down the road: "there's a reason why I'm single. And it's just that girls don't have me attractive sniff"

She jerked off/titty fucked black earl live on air while Jimmy provided commentary.

Realistically she's not the kind of broad one would date.

Didnt she blow someone on the air while jimmy described it. They even nutted in her mouth

Yea we are talking about the same thing. I am not certain she actually blew him. Think it was more like wet titty fucking/spitty handjob with some incidental mouth contact than a real blowjob.

Put it this was if bree olsen (or any broad for that matter) did that to me and called it a blowjob I'd be disappointed.

Gag on it, stupid.

I remember jimmy saying that she couldn't talk because her mouth was full

She blew creampie jones

Yeah she had a crush on him like Mary Jean has a crush on Sam.

Didn't Jimmy say he tried to fuck her again but she just never responded?

He likes penis

He actually fucked her once and it made her never want to fuck him again.

Story of Jim's life

At least he still has his youth.

Norton, Sheen; wow, Bree sure knows how to pick 'em...

The best part was when Opie, fully aware of both Jim's attraction for her

and her non-attraction for Jim, had Black Earl tit-fuck her to completion

just mere inches from his face.

I think it was then that it finally dawned on Jimbo

that one of his bosses really didn't care for him.

And he's gay

For a second I forgot he went I the world's largest podcast and admitted he takes prep.

Have you ever been in a gay neighborhood

