
61  2017-12-29 by SpudsCuckley


You're a very unattractive man Mr Roberts

Still not enough forehead.

Noted. More Frankenstein's monster.

Also, you've drawn him with an opposable thumb.

And a baby pelican gullet from all them chicken nuggets

Tss more like a five head er sumptin...

Chins ... more chins

I can't wait til the @nothuman twitter army goes to war with the 12 guys who branded themselves @notsam_____


I'll talk shit about the rest but not Sam Dapper Dan and his nephew are two studs with huge pieces.

Pink around the eyes + crooked grin needed

and Clint Howard teeth, also.


Still too flattering.

I feel this was done by Sam himself to minimize how bad the result SHOULD have been.

Busted hehehe

You don't think I look that good in real life? Hehehehehe

Don't think anyone is arguing the point or likely to forget.

That fucking snarky, half angry face like he's some sort of badass. You're not, Sam. You were a little bitch who tried starting shit behind the scenes because you knew big brother Opie would protect you. The one time he didn't, you cowered in front of Pat Duffy. Anyone on that staff would have mopped the floor with you, including intern David, if he used his super Jewy powers. But of course Opie kept his little organ grinder monkey safe. You are dogshit on the radio and it's so good to see you finally get exposed so badly that even your old ballwashers can't defend you. I hope you catch your 5 of a wife taking deep creampies from Denny you hideous monstrosity.