She's trying hard to hide it but the disgust on her face is there for all to see

12  2017-12-29 by NinetyFaaahve


Why does he dress like he's in Bobby Smurda's crew? His giant rockface head makes him look like a gazzaturdelli's ham calzone with those pants.

That massive space between his chicken legs is so odd looking. Everything about his appearance is disconcerting.

Killer thigh gap!

Queercore Rocky Dennis

White guy, a Jew, a black, and a spic DNA all in one

Sam is what happens when someone says "Beetlejuice" three times.

Who is she though

Lady wrestler. Becky Lynch.

Thanks bud

Nice roots

Thats not her natural color?

She's hot! .... the orange-haired one aint to bad neither!


What are those fucking ridges on the sides of his forehead? Does chicken tender goo go undigested and just deposit there or something?

"Kitt, warm up my chicken tendies and set destination to summerslam"

He looks like a remote tribesman who was snatched up from the depths of Borneo, given a bath, dressed in "contemporary" clothes and posed next to the first Western world woman he's ever seen.

Her eyes tell a story, but look into Sam's...

A broken man, given-up, living day by day, unloved, unwanted....

It’s nice of that fake ginger lady to grant that kid’s Make A Wish.

Never post a URL to an image that doesn't end in a image format. Just upload them to reddit.

Is that a tranny?

No, it's Sam.

Jesus he is ugly

His head looks like a cavewoman giving birth.

That vein in his head is really bugging me

This chick meets Make A Wish kids a least once a month and basically open mouth kisses them, but with Sam her body language says it all... look how far away her hips are from his body. Leaning in, just barely.

That massive space between his chicken legs is so odd looking. Everything about his appearance is disconcerting.