The Last Jedi was fucking GAY.

8  2017-12-29 by Every1ShouldBKilled

I know it's just a laser sword movie for children. But it's a bad one.


waiting for the hd rip so i can be pissed at myself for wasting bandwidth to download it

The future of the Rebel Alliance is in deep doo doo

The one on the right got some nice tittys.

Turns out purple haired menopausal cunts make poor admirals

Ok denture mouth was pretty irritating to listen to too

If dentures was the only qualification they should've put Vos in charge.

May the forsche be with you. Lighten up folksh.

Why are they still rebels they won like 3 movies ago

Star Wars is just space wizards.

Niggaz N' Space would be way more entertaining

Gayniggers from outer space

Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called The leading information resource for the entertainment industry, here are some Trailers

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Bad Meatbag

The last time I saw a Star Wars movie in full was Return of the Jedi in theatre in 1986 when I was three. Right now I'm watching this shit on a vcr:

It's fucking retarded, but it at least has Lance Henriksen and the bad guy from Out for Justice. That alone makes it better than any Star Wars movie.


Just so you know. Also: England is a fag country.

That's fine.

The world would be a much better place if Star Wars never existed.

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