The Jim and Sam Top 20 moments is One of the worst collections of Radio ever

45  2017-12-28 by AlvinItchyCock


It's pretty goddamn bad. I listened to a bit of it this morning out of curiosity, and it's just irredeemable. I feel bad for whoever the asshole is that had to pick 20 moments that didn't completely suck dick to replay on the air.

I ended up listening to the best of the Bonfire 2017 on the drive to work this morning. Not amazing, but definitely way better than Jim and Sam.

Sam definitely picked the top 20 and the order.

Listened to Bonfire Best Of today as well and agree to an extent. The problem with choosing legitimately hilarious bits like Racist Eastwood is, without a ton of editing work, you have to play the first time it was brought up rather than the several subsequent times. While Dan and Jay actually have the kemuhstree to improv, the jokes they make like the fifth and sixth time are legitimately hilarious vs the El Camino lines they used in "the bit".

Meanwhile, Jim and Sam are doing a "best of" that is mostly Sam's inane bullying of his subordinates and "staff acting ironic and campy to guests" because Sam's ability is limited to irritating everyone who hears and sees him and Jim just wants to stare at tender she-penis and send naughty texts all show.

The bonfire ripping Chanel West Coast is better than anything that's come from J&S.

I think the problem is not the content, but whoever is putting it together. They release funny or interesting clips way late and their compilations are not of things that are really funny.

I really hope this dog shit show gets cancelled

It will be. Why put in effort when it's the only shot you get at a real radio carreer like Sam or when it's your biggest paycheck and platform to promote your comedy shows like Jim.

You homos have been saying this since oct '16

I doubt it. Only having to pay Jim Sam and Travis is significantly cheaper than even paying Opie. Let alone O&A and their huge staff.

J&S is a budget show.

yeah, and they still have the channel and need something to fill it with, the main costs have managed to twitter themselves out of job

It's great Value radio!

Exactly. I’m blown away how people on here think that Sirius would want to cancel it. It’s safe fodder drive time radio. It still carries an audience and some brand recognition, and above all it fills air time for a shitty random channel. Like you said, it’s a cheap alternative to whatever the fuck O&A would’ve been by now if they’d stayed together and the only reason I could see it ending is if they fucked Jim on money next time that it came to negotiations. But even the. I can see him bending over and taking it like the worm he is

For real. When has Sirius EVER cancelled a show?

Is Mary Jean part of it? If so I can't wait till they get canned.

Top 10 apparently.

i listened this morning to whatshisname's mary jean booty call story. my buddy kept hearing 'porn star' and asked who it was, i said nobody youve heard of, and then she came in at #9 to give her side of it.

about a minute in i switched to the classic patrice va dr z.

Yeah her they kept tweeting today about her fingering Adrian being a top moment. Hehehe middy Jin I'd want huge porn star. Vote for her as best tits!!!

Did you have a stroke while typing? How did you look at what you typed and think it made even a little bit of sense?

Look, I don't go to your job and suck the dicks that you work with.

Look, I don't go to your job and suck the dicks that you work with.

I can just imagine whoever cobbled that together searching desperately for 20 passable Jim and Sam moments.

Sam: oh you don’t like thing, Jim?

Jim: No, sir I do not.

Sam: hehehehehehe mongoloid face


Uhm... Oh yeah! Door sound effect

Can’t be worse than Opie’s.....

Fuck that show.

Should've just put on a loop the show where Sam was mercifully absent and Tranthony was in.

Should have been 20 separate clips of radio static, followed by an "and punt" then an announcement that the show was cancelled due to lack of humor.


Sam and Jim were afforded an opportunity by the untimely departures of O&A, and they have squandered every last drop of it.

They didn't look at this as an opportunity for themselves. They looked at it as a 'promotion' at work that was well-deserved and nothing more than a bump in pay.

Your name is on the wall, motherfucker. Act like it.

Oh, I don’t know. Adrian & MaryJean part 7 was pretty fun. It made me glad i’d stuck with it through parts one to six.

Of course, I didn’t listen to that garbage. But I saw it on my screen while I was listening to podcasts. Jim & Sam really is dreck. I wonder if MaryJean has any idea that she is the worst thing about a pile of garbage?

Oh good, this again. “Wah, this is the worst show ever so I’m going to listen to every minute of it, including replays, obsessively and report back Reddit how much I hate it!” Repeat.