Happy Holidays from the Hughes family!

198  2017-12-28 by dolan_the_rapper


He looks to be alone, surely his wife and children are taking the photo?

My thoughts exactly

nah, you can tell from the pop up shows he's good at propping his phone against stuff

That’s sounds like a skill a 14 year old autist would be known for

The poster is apt.

Opie is the Lester Nygaard of radio

He'll 100% murder her with a hammer once she steps on too many Greggshells.

Dropping hammers on wifey

do another one with the beard and the ski hat.

And sunglasses hiding his tear stained eyes. Oh I meant surgically enhanced eyes.

*Pissy eyes.

No, it's perfect.

Should have thrown in a grapefruit beer for good measure

ME: Gave it up for lent(il soup) brotherman

Is that the funny mofos daily he's got open on the table next to him?

Arrrgh clearly a fake 'is titties be to small arrrgh

Give me gold.

Gord prease.

(Helping out a fellow 'hucker.)[https://i.imgur.com/F2tJ5w9.jpg]

looks like he's trying to figure out what water really is

Staring up-close at his daughter's head.

Just missing an errant bra on the floor, but pretty dang good mother hucker.

got a niggas ribs hurtin today over How to Outsmart Skateboarders

Sitting all alone fa la la la la, Hudson with his dad fa la la la la...

Call me skeptical but this looks photoshopped

"How to outsmart skateboarders" lol

Greatest thing this sub has produced.


This is so sad. And yet so accurate.

Do we always have to say sidebar? Or does it go without saying when a masterwork such as this is presented

Holy fuck! I never thought I would want a picture of Opie hanging in my house. But this would make me laugh every day.

Props to the autist.

Is this a pop up in the "man" cave?

Is that Cool Restaurants, The Definitive Guide to Pop Up Locations?

Great photo. Not worth jack unless its tweeted at him consistently.

I’m pretty sure he’s got 3 of his own signed photos on the wall too.


Who's the guy in the portrait?

Brother Weeze, Opie's radio mentor. The guy that taught Opie everything he knows so you can use your imagination on that guy.

Ah. I only recognize him if he's holding up the arm with the Opie tattoo. I thought it was John Waters, but didn't see the connection.

Opie Raqio foooockin' killin it for us with the Sudoku today

where's the java log?!

He looks like Forrest Gump sitting on the bench

I like the poster but he should be shitting on a beach.

"how to outsmart skateboarders" made me lol. Well done.

“Happy Holidays??? Here in America we speak the language of MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS!!!”