The Boys Are Back in Town, Again

83  2017-12-28 by EndOfTheDigitalAge


Lumberjack Rocky Dennis

My mom says I look like a lion!

The Hills Have A Receding Hairline.

Jim's face on Vos is gold.

Jon goslin lookin ass nigga

He looks like the king of Slovakian rock and roll.

Denny Knoxville

Ant looks like the swirly face pedophile

Jon goslin lookin ass nigga

You can say that any time.

still can't tell if sam is being photoshopped


Where's Tits Bluburry?

Vos looks genuinely pissed that you put his face on Jimmy’s AIDS ravaged body.

Jimmy's arms are surprisingly masculine for all the shit he takes.

I love the screens in the background

jim with vos face looks like manu ginobli

Sam looks like he just got stabbed and wrapped up by Shelob.

Is that Lil' Yimmy's body on the right? His arms are surprisingly masculine given how bird-like his appearance has become.

Wow has to be the funniest and most disturbing rendering of Sam yet.


This hasn't been photoshopped sir.

It took a minute for me to realize Ant and Denny were swapped, I just thought it was 2 Dennys.

I thought Anthony's face on Denny's body was Vic Henley.

Branmuffins lookin' pretty good here.

What am I looking at?

Fuckin Lord Denny's face on Ant's head. Its not even close to facing the same direction.