Christmas At The Compound

103  2017-12-28 by drunk8gods


That kind of looks like fun.

Arrrgh it is arrrgh

The guys on most of the Compound regulars would make that impossible

Arrrgh aye they aint be nearly brave 'nough t' enjoy a bit o' friendly bondin' arrrgh

Give me gold?

I like how they keep this fun and playful by keeping their little sweaters on and tiny hats.

It's not a true circle fuck unless there's a fez involved.


This reminds me of my days in the navy. Also, far right in the yellow is breaking the chain, no?

Or his peckah is fawkin YUGE

That’s impossibru.

Joe Rogan was the next line after him.

Someone actually devoted time and artistic talent to making this.
We really are just barely out of the jungle, aren't we?

Pull that up Jamie.

I don't see any children in the painting

More like a proud boys convention.

The one in the socks is a fag.


Ring around the faggot