The lack of self-awareness displayed by Tits is truly astounding.

8  2017-12-28 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

The list is endless but I was listening to some old jocktober episodes recently and it struck me how so many of the hacky things they'd make fun of we're basically the person Opie always wanted to be.

Just look at his abomination of a show with "his guys" before he elected to film the private toilet time of a fat, mumbling talent booker.


The strange thing about the Opie show was the complete lack of order. For all the ship steering talk I heard, he certainly didn’t apply it to his own show. Granted I probably heard a couple of hours total but it just sounded like a cacophony of laughter and non sequiturs like the human version of an orchestra tuning up. Unlistenable.

Arrrgh ye make a ve'y good point laddy, it be almos' loike O'ie is comple'ely talen'less arrrgh

That's because "his guys" were a bunch of talentless syncophants that wouldn't dare outshine him. As long as you're beneath him and you know you're place there won't be any Greggshells to step on.

Sam: You don't like Vic Henley?

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