Lindy West becoming viral for being fat.

42  2017-12-28 by fakeDannyRoss


I enjoy this veiled fat shaming

Good lord, is she still putting on weight? That's the heftiest pic I've ever seen of her.

I'd give her 5k cash to zip up that leather coat

She and Dante Nero have the same body type.

What's the fat shaming part?

I assume her existence.

They mispelled competence.

I look forward to her crippling type II.

Sounds empowering.

Articles will be written

“Look forward”? I would be shocked if she didn’t have diabetes at her weight.

Who has the picture of her gay husband?

Gay autistic husband, get it right

I can't see her gaining acceptance anywhere but India, where she would finally be worshipped like the big, beautiful bovine goddess she knows she is!

If you're that fat you should constantly be trying to lose weight.

Getting other people to accept your obesity isn't the healthy approach. Unless you want to die of a heart attack.

That's the thing - a little overweight is one thing, but there is nothing good about being overweight to obese.

You're asking us to accept that it's ok to increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems, which then drive up our already fucked insurance premiums. Normally I don't care what someone else does with their life, but when you push it in our face to accept it, then fuck you, I'll give my opinion even if you don't like it.

God damn, I love Chinese food too lady, but try moderation! And water without sugar! And walking without a Rascal!

Normally I don't care what someone else does with their life, but when you push it in our face to accept it, then fuck you, I'll give my opinion even if you don't like it.

We see that you're fat, lady, doesn't mean we have to agree with you.

I won't call you a pig to your face. Deal?

I'll just oink at her as I walk by, it's the polite thing to do.

No, no, it's easier to change everyone around you like Peter Griffin rather than make the slightest amount of effort to better yourself. Oh and, you can talk shit about "skinny bitches" while you're fat, then say how great losing weight is after you've lost it and how it's not about looks or being skinny.

she's a "body acceptance activist?" her own body doesn't even accept what she does to it. why the fuck do others have to tiptoe around the fact that you stuff your fat face and don't move around enough?

When a women gets fat they look for body acceptance.

When a man gets fat, he says "nigga, it's time to cut the carbs and sugar"

Women do this, men do dat

White boys be all like that’s gross and shit but niggas BUT NIGGAS be all like baby get yo fat ass ova herr!

I'll eat da coocschie

Am i right doe? Ye yall know what im saying?

Beat yo kids

It's funny because it's true!

Women be shopping

Shes dead in 2 years anyway who cares

Are you about a size 14?


What do you do for a living?

I am morbidly obese and i complain on twitter a lot.

Yeah but at least she's not someone who CHOSE to be born a "mediocre" white male with a regular life, skills they improve upon and a full-time job they do while gradually moving up in life! That would be terrible, she won't sink to their level.

The second hottest career of 2017, behind reacting to reaction videos of gay superhero movies for children

Standing up is harder....

It's truly incredible that these self-indulgent and lazy cows have convinced so many people that being fat isn't entirely their own fault.

Diabetes isn't a virus

Someone needs to Photoshop barney from the Simpsons on the article and have it say alcoholics demand workplace acceptance.

"Guess how many toes I have, haters."

I wash myself with a rag on a stick.

When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine University!

It's not rocket science: put down the cake and get on a fuckin treadmill.

Of course standing up is hard when you're 400 pounds, what is she demanding anyone else do for her about it?

"Body Acceptance Activist" = Professional Fat Person

White boys be all like that’s gross and shit but niggas BUT NIGGAS be all like baby get yo fat ass ova herr!

It's funny because it's true!