My 92 year old Grandma's opinion on #metoo...

33  2017-12-28 by CONCHOPETEghostcock

"Where you 30 years ago when the guy apparently harassed you? Ahhh shut your yap, missy!"

Grandma rules


go, gammy!

Provide nudes of her so we know you aren't loying

Preferably of her asshole so we can count the rings.

This is an Opie joke. I didn’t like it when he stumbled through it; don’t like it now.

She'll probably be dead soon.

And with her, a generation of women who could take a punch.


We need to train the next generation, starting with the toddlers and infants.

What does your grandma think of the negro problem that we have? does she prefer gas chambers or flooding the projects with crack again? i'd prefer sending them back to the cotton fields if i'm being honest.

She's for the small businessman so she would prefer the grassroots local crack market to solve it rather than big business, corporate run gas chambers

your grandma is clearly a coal burner I'm sorry to tell you.

I wonder if the vagina can get wet at that age.

It can. The bitch showed me.

She puts some of that denture cream in her cunt.

I fuckt’ ‘ah!

Bud light and xanny does strange things to the mind.

Fuck the two of you.

I asked my 103 year old grandma about this and she said "niggers can't be trusted"

Trains didn't exist that long ago

Sure they did, your great grandmother was famous for having them run on her

A great grandmother would be much older than a 103 year old grandmother.

Back then, they were parents with a mortage by 15

Last great generation of women. They DID NOT need feminism to keep their men in line and get what they wanted out of life.

That fucking generation is about GONE.

She'd have been in her 30-40s during the feminism boom of the 1960s; she was probably all-in with it at the time.

More like 45 to 55 in that decade.

2017-1960 = 57

92-57 = 35

She'd have been in her 30-40s during the feminism boom of the 1960s

Look at this nigga with his math skillz like he’s Opie’s protegé

I'm embarrassed how long it took me to read that hashtag as "Pound Me Too".

My mom said "Hollywood is a sleazy place. Those girls knew what they were getting into."

Love that woman. She said this as she was pouring my dad a scotch and ignoring his profanity from the other room as he watched the Dolphins game.

That's a good lady.

How big are her tits?

Ew, just look at this post and your reply. You're writing fan fiction from an old lady's perspective.

Now i gotta watch the old clip about Bill Burr's nana

Does she still fuck?

your grandma is clearly a coal burner I'm sorry to tell you.

More like 45 to 55 in that decade.

2017-1960 = 57

92-57 = 35

She'd have been in her 30-40s during the feminism boom of the 1960s