In addition to making Mary Jean a regular on the show, Jimmy also has sexless date nights with her where he behaves like this.

131  2017-12-27 by NinetyFaaahve


Girls love having a gay confidante.

The only person more depraved than the average whore is the average gay.

One never knows when the homosexual is about.

He has money, a good career, and awesome friends. Yet he somehow manages to be a pathetic loser.

He's a pathetic loser. Yet somehow he manages to have money, a good career, and awesome friends.

He has a pathetic career, loser friends, and for some reason has awesome money.

He's a queen, fame and money don't change that.

Don't do one of those gay Reddit comment chains where you switch up the order of words

Switch up the words of those gay reddit comment chains where you don't.

he's a cocksucker

He has a good career?

He makes a lot of money for talking for a few hours a week while being completely uninteresting and unfunny, so yeah.

He is stealing money in otherwords, not actually forging a successful career.

He is a D List nobody who is forced out of either financial concerns or sheer laziness to do an embarrassing show with not just one, but now two guys he has no chemsitry with and dislikes immensely.

Good career

She tongue punches negro anus on film for a living but a kiss on the cheek from the worm makes her cry.

How Jimmy hasn't killed himself yet is a miracle.

She tongue punches negro anus on film...

You have a way with words.

Her look is that of a woman disgusted, Norton is top creep no doubt

The cutesy hamming it up for the camera is something he would've ripped apart (fraudulently) when he didn't have soy milk coursing through his veins. Really is a chameleon worm.

I know I'll sound like a silly goose saying this, but really, the nutritional habits of everyone involved in the O&A universe are just downright poor, if I may be so bold. Patrice basically killed himself following a "Skinny Bitch" vegan diet that he learned from a rapper, either Capone or Noreaga, I forget which. That's actually true, he told the story before, somewhere around the #70-80 of the O&A shows, and like a year later he mentioned it on the show again and he finally realized that all the soy he was eating was ruining his health. Sam is obviously just an irredeemable mess in this department. Opie and Yimmy both eat like 80's housewives, and are worse for wear because of it. I mean, say what you will about Joe Rogan, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

What does Joe eat aside from elk that he catches with his bare hands

As much as it fucks with your hormones, I don't think soy is what gave Patrice diabetes.

The Patrice conversation should have been this simple:

"What do I eat so I don't die?"


And don’t forget that hopeless glutton Erock.

That fat fuck is incapable of drinking anything without adding sugar to it. I say this dispassionately and without malice: if he’s still alive in 10 years I’ll be shocked.

Are you familiar with the whole Patrice story?

What’s the best diet you would suggest?

Elk meat and protein powders made by a rubber pussy salesmen.

As meme-ish as it's become, I do think something along the paleo / primal / "ancestral" diet line is generally pretty good. It's at least a good starting point for most people. I'm pretty convincded of the arguments for animal foods, I don't think meat or fat is anything to be afraid of (over the years I think a lot of the carb-phobia in the paleo world is also a little overblown). The more orthodox Joe Rogan type of paleo, in the vein of Robb Wolf, or even Mark Sisson, is largely pretty good, but more detailed, more scientifically rigorous, and actually easier to follow, nutrition guidelines by Shou Ching Jaminet or Stephan Guyenet have more rigorous science behind them.

Tuesdays with Whorey

Did- did you just call this brave and badass woman who happens to have sex for money a "WHORE"??!?!

She'll suck every dick but mine, 'cause it's small and whatnot. I'm flabbergasted.

He brings his own salad.

If he's mad, he doesn't shut the door all the way when he leaves.

This might be the most female worm thing he does over all else. He really does need a good punch to face one day


This is a man turning 50 years old in a few short months....

She might have the ugliest face of any active porn star

some of these are pretty rough

Fake eyelashes and eye shadow go a loooong way.

and a couple of them were fucking beautiful... I want to put a collar around Sarah Luv and take her clothes shopping

Few of them looked pretty good without the makeup. Had that girl next door sort of look to them. They'll age well and still look cute when they're old.

Luckily for all of them that the makeup really does change the way most of them look. The ones who eventually leave the business and get married and have kids should be pretty safe and not have to worry about anyone recognizing them.

they’re so cute! love it 🌹❤️

She nasty.

I don’t see what the attraction he has for her.. and the other day when they had her on the phone and they were playing the audio that dummy thought that they had Luis Gomez in the studio...

Holy fuck that's hilarious, any chance you could link a show and timestamp that shit?

Jim would be the guy who goes to strip clubs because he's in love with one of the strippers. He thinks it's okay because he has a radio show, though.

I cannot decide which one of them is more hideous and pathetic.


The entire state of NY has blown a load on this bathroom floor that calls itself a person and Norton the cum slurping worm can't get his sausage marinated. He really is a faggot. His mother must be ashamed.

Cornball: One who tries to be cool, but doesn't see just how uncool he really is.

There's a NYC spic/nig mongrel at my job who has the same spherical TMNT/Francine Frensky face that this pile has

So when's the lynching?

I dunno, I've got a lot on my plate

Nasty, pancake-faced sponge head

Imagine your dad at 50 doing this.

I’ve seen my widowed father at 58 do shit like this, and it’s every bit as pathetic as you’re leading on.

Come on guys, he has the money, ofcourse he is fuckn her. She prob gave a deal for exposure.

This is closer to sexual assault than what Louis CK did

I can almost guarantee they're trolling you guys in that second pic.

This same cunt didn't understand the "STU" headphones joke. Do you think she can comprehend trolling beyond picturing those toy dolls?

Holy fuck that was her? My hatred grows each day for this porn star radio killer.

I don't think that was her.

he's such creepy little fag.

That face is the equivalent of whale eyes on a dog

What's his infatuation with her? She's ugly as fuck, completely uninteresting, the farthest thing from funny, and is hardly the only porn whore that Jimmy has access to.

Cause Jim hates us and feeds on our anger.

Jim has become a soy boy

The finger in lip thing is infuriating.

she wants some Jimmy dick soooo bad

He's just hoping for a taste of whichever porn stud's load might be left over from her last video.

What a fucking faggot.

The "I really am an ugly, stupid, no chin zilch" version of Jim needs to be pulled out of retirement as soon as possible.

This should be an advertisement for why older men should get their testosterone tested.

Friendzone faggot

Am I the only one that hopes these two finally get together and start a long term relationship?

They really are perfect for each other. Mary Jean would indulge Jim's every submissive fantasy and take care of Jim into his old age just to inherit the Norton fortune.

What's that you say? Crazy porn star drama? It's a fair point but Jim is never going to find his perfect Bailey Jay.

some of these are pretty rough