Client name. Schenkel about it.

37  2017-12-27 by aRTie02150


My name is Craig Schenkel

Do you need a Sudafed? Maybe some nose spray?

Did you see the game? What a score, and that pass!

We're going 4 miles an hour.

It's the third wrench I broke this year. It's January 2nd.

Finds the Jew in the middle of a crowd. Shames them!

We're gonna need the corresponding phone number for unit 201, sir.

Front desk clerk at the Marriot?

There are only so many Bread Sandwich Artist positions at Panera to go around.

Nope. Equipment delivery.

Doesn't pay as good as Panera, but at least I can sit in a truck all day.

I like. Just get in the truck, let the muckity-mucks figure out the details.

you know you got your radio and your climate control, i'm not here to change the world. i pick the stuff up and get a work out. im happy with just a cup of joe in the morning.

you drink cum, John?

You schenkel 'bout it, Nurkey...