I wasn't sure if racists could enter into contracts but then I found this! Thank you Joe Cumia!

64  2017-12-27 by Wolosocu


That judge probably dominates in bed

I bet her clit is the size of a baseball 🤢

Shut up, I love her.

I want her to beat me and spit in my mouth.

No way. She's tired of being masculine all the time while surrounded by scared wimps. She wants a man who ignores the safe word.

I would love to fuck her in her judge robe. She can bang her gavel every time I make her come.

Needless to say the gavel would be quiet as a church mouse.

It may or may not be of interest to you but this gentlemen is also not a pedophile.

I love how he couldn't agree with her more enthusiastically when she says that while all the time leading up to it he'd been desperately trying to show that he isn't a racist by saying all his tweets/FB posts had been fabricated or taken out of context.

God he's a dumb cunt.

The black guy's face... easily in my top 5 visuals from this sub.

T-shirt foreshadowing Qwadehn Kuhn's fate

Ok. That’s fucking hilarious.

This is not the face of a pedophile

Pretty sure hes saying 'thank you' to when she said 'if you did say it" but im going to ignore that because this clip is the best.

This sub has passed you by.

Huhh? Wrong use of an opie-ism. 200 brothaman points deducted.

"I hope you're not lying under oath today."

You're on a TV show, lady! Calm down!

This sub has passed you by.