Theory: The whole "comedians calling non-comedians Civilians" thing all started because some dumb ass comedian couldn't think of the word "private citizen" i.e. Not a public figure

9  2017-12-27 by brothermanbrotherman

Theory: Perhaps I am a dick sucker for thinking this warrants its own post


Theory: The military calls non military members civilians. So maybe all comedians are in the army and are paid propagandists.

They are paid by the government to keep our minds off the things the deep state is really doing behind our backs. Bread and circuses maan, Bread and circuses..

Hey, did you see that video of the moose being hit by that car?

Jamie, pull that up for me.

I found Dave Smith's lurker account.

Indeed you are a sucker of dicks but you're in good company

reminder: our beloved Patrice would call people civilians

Ya know what dude? Civilians don't understand it takes at least 17 comedians on mic to make a good podcast dude.

I like when Kurt thought people were making fun of him for using “civilian” cuz he believed that he hit a nerve and the people were just sad that they weren’t a part of his group.

Not that it’s just an incrediblely douchey & embarrassing thing to say

My theory is that comedians are low t-level sissies who had to come up with a way to justify trying to make a living out of doing shows for 30 people at clubs with stupid names. So they made it look like they're soldiers in the trenches of the entertainment industry, and they feel that dealing with a heckler is exactly the same as watching your buddy get his legs and dick blown off by a sand nigger.

You're a dick sucker because of your affinity for sucking dicks. This post just gives us some additional evidence.

What ever happened to Kurt Metzger anyway?

Where's Kurt Metzger?