O&A: Obsession & Assimilation in the O&A Universe

71  2017-12-27 by IsThatJesus

Noted French philosopher and pedophile Michel Foucault once observed that censorship, in fact, demands more illicit speech. To ban speech, one must classify and observe and document, conjuring up new vocabularies for unspeakable words.

In discussing the age of repression of the Bourgeoise societies, Foucault stated, "the tightening up of the rules of decorum likely did produce, as a countereffect, a valorization and intensification of indecent speech".

Opie and Anthony's own era of repression began on July 3rd of 2014, when Nietschean philosopher Anthony Cumia was fired for a series of experimental tweets. What I propose to document here is the true impact of repression on two of the chief luminaries of the Opie and Anthony Universe: Anthony Cumia, mentioned above, and James Joseph Norton Jr.

It is a noted psychological principal that obsession leads to assimilation. It was very well what Foucault was observing with his documentation of failed censorship. And it is this simple fact of psychoanalysis that led to their respective success and failure.

Norton, whose sexual proclivities walled him off from blue collar society, found his place in the comedy world. The United States places no value on maintaining an intelligentsia, and its closest replacement is in the East Coast "comedy scene", where-in individuals such as Norton rise to prominence through scathing critiques of the failings of capitalism (of which, as the original comedian Karl Marx observed, there are many).

Norton's chief fixation was the illusive "hack comedian", one who lacks the sharp reflexes needed. Norton channeled his fixation through the character of "Chip".

With the demise of Opie and Anthony, Norton had no distractions. His fixation with "hacks" grew and grew until Norton had assimilated them entirely: Norton launched a podcast as Chip which eclipsed his radio show's success. Thus, Norton was no longer playing Chip, but rather Chip playing Norton. Obsession led to assimilation, but here also to success.

Cumia's fixations took him down a darker road, figuratively and literally. Obsessed with racist preconceptions of African Americans, Cumia underwent a transformation that disconcerted friends and enemies alike. As photographic records will attest, he gradually left the white race. The obvious connection is to Rachel Dolezal, though in my view the better comparison is with Martina Adam.

Having embraced his trans-racial status, Anthony Cumia then performed the prophecy he had set for himself: in 2015 he was arrested for criminal strangulation. Thus, Cumia became what he feared most: a person of color with a criminal record.


Words cannot express how much I hate this and you.

I am currently writing a five hundred page dissertation on the repressed homosexual undertones of Opie and Anthony from a Sausserean perspective.

If you're interested, I can send it to you.

Fuck you this was great

Cumia underwent a transformation that disconcerted friends and enemies alike. As photographic records will attest, he gradually left the white race.

This (on top of being hilarious) even has strange truth to it. The more angry and racist Ant has gotten through the years, the less white he has become.

Erroneous. Go look at photos of him from the WAAF days. Dude looks like a Dothraki from Game of Thrones.

He looked like Captain Hook


I think you've just earned your masters in peckery. Very nice work.

Wait until he passes our peer review before singing his praises.

Are you feeling ok?

Foucault was a hack

Self important douche

Just going the Foucaultian.


im going with, college sophmore educated at most, high school senior at the earliest.

you lost me at 'Nietschean philosopher Anthony Cumia' youre going to have a really hard time setting that one up. everything after that is try hard.

That's the bit you fucking dumbbell


Tsss arrrgh ye what about magnifidollar or summit arrrgh

Can't tell if hidden Vos plug or complete waste of time.


This really puckers my anus...

You forgot the vos plug

My girl almost caught me reading this. I'm going to go swallow some pills.

Just because it has tits doesn't make him a "girl," loser.

Well said. But I prefer to view the middle era O&A show through the prism of Hegelian Dialectic.

I also submit that Anthony is best understood as a Moorish General Othello. Just a black man who had to choke a bitch

You misspelled principle, and bourgeois doesn't require capitalisation. Apart from that this is meth babble at its finest.

Foucault stinks and I don't like him !

You lost me at "Nietschean."

God fucking damn you. Wanna be my gf?

I didn't read this, but I'm pretty sure you called Anthony a fag, so cool.

This sounds like some Psychoanalysis 101 with O&A madlibs.

Chip was more the autonomous partial object of Jimmy that kept piping up until he finally became it.

I can't really disprove anything you're saying, therefore it must be right.

Together we can foster an air of intellectualism in this subreddit.

What do I understand about this postmodern mambo jambo? What happened to the good old days when you could have your container of coffee on the job site and quietly go on with your work?

still waiting for the peckahs

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand Opie & Anthony...

Together we can foster an air of intellectualism in this subreddit.