Anthony Cumias Christmas photo this year looks great!

70  2017-12-27 by Dustout4


That is one ethnic looking Nazi.

Too much hair to be Ant

Woppen SS

May I ask what drove you to flip through obscure old nazi photos the day after Christmas?

Is that not the spirit of Christmas?

In all fairness I’m Australian so it’s the day after Boxing Day here, so it’s back to business as usual flipping through obscure old nazi photos and perusing reddit.

If you're not Mel Gibson then gtfo, faggot from a faggot-producing country.

Yes you fucking do, you go out in public and it's a fucking embarrassment to me. You look like a fucking bitch in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of niggers it'll be your fault. All right? Because you provoked it. You are provocatively dressed all the time, with your fake boobs, you feel you have to show off in tight outfits and tight pants (garbled) you can see your pussy from behind. And that green thing today was enough.

Ja, Untermensch same as a jew Oskar Dirlewanger child toucher disgrace to our cause of cleansing Europe

Sue Lightning War

tranpa cumia

Oskar Dirlewanger

Oskar Dirlewanger (26 September 1895 – 7 June 1945) was a German military officer (SS-Oberführer) who served as the founder and commander of the infamous Nazi SS penal unit "Dirlewanger" during World War II. His name is closely linked to some of the worst crimes of the war. He also fought in World War I, the post-World War I conflicts, and the Spanish Civil War. He died after World War II while in Allied custody, apparently beaten to death by his guards.

Dirlewanger is invariably described as an extremely cruel person by historians and researchers, including as "a psychopathic killer and child molester" by Steven Zaloga, "violently sadistic" by Richard Rhodes, "an expert in extermination and a devotee of sadism and necrophilia" by J. Bowyer Bell, and "a sadist and necrophiliac" by Bryan Mark Rigg.

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Time traveling elite vampire paedophiles mate they run the world

Really comes out in this paragraph IMO

Dirlewanger held various jobs, which included working at a bank and a knit-wear factory.[12] He was also repeatedly convicted for illegal arms possession and embezzlement. In 1934, he was convicted and sentenced to two years imprisonment for the statutory rape of a 14-year-old girl from the League of German Girls (BDM), as well as the illegal use of a government vehicle and damaging said vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.

I think we found Anthony's new co-host!

That guy sounds like a real Jerk!

"After the door of the building was blown off we saw a daycare-full of small children, around 500; all with small hands in the air. Even Dirlewanger's own people called him a butcher; he ordered to kill them all. The shots were fired, but he requested his men to save the ammo and finish them off by rifle-butts and bayonets. Blood and brain matter flowed in streams down the stairs."

sounds like another anthony daydream

More like a poor, starving german soldier who had been tortured for months and then forced to lie during a trial to save his life while soviet forces were raping his female family members.

douche chills


Huh...He wasn't even captured by Soviets.

When you want to get rid of roaches you don't just kill the adult ones

This isn't Anthony but they seemingly resemble him.

After this photo was taken, some SS came along and hung him for stealing that uniform.

Not the nicest guy, but loyal.

He wishes

Ant would never pass the Mischling Test