Did you guys catch the game last night? Definitely a good score though, I couldn't believe it, I mean 17-14!..

27  2017-12-26 by carribbeanjimmy

What a pass! Did you see that pass? It was like out of the air he just pulled it down like it was nothin'! Holy smokes! And it went right in!!!


Happen happen!

When stuff like this happens, people look at me wondering what's gonna happen!

I like chicks and their tits.

I like ladies and their peckas

I wouldn't say "that was a good score" if I was talking about a movie soundtrack.

Where is this from again? I remember laughing my ass of at it


Birth of Craig Schinkel

As a racist man once said upon being told he can enter legal contracts, "Thank you."

Remember when the big boss is in that shitty classroom office LOL

I don't know what this is. So it must be a J&S reference?

It's the birth of Cregg Shinkle, Still Opie and Anthony era... However it is most likely Jim mocking Gregg passive-aggressively

I'm still wondering how you break a wrench.

You read, John?

You drink cum, Schon?!

Slow down, the car is about to reach 4mph.

Alright friend, meet you outside work like usual!

Hey, what time did you get back from lunch today?

TURD?!!! TURD?!!!

You see that pass?

You invented the Jewfinder?!

Finds the jew in a crowd. Shames 'em.

See, we really are just like the rest of reddit.

Greg schinkle approves

I was watching it while I was doing so paper work. Hey can you drive faster please?

this is basically norton's routine on his mma podcast



Idk who you’re mocking but I can tell I can’t stand them

It's the birth of Cregg Shinkle, Still Opie and Anthony era... However it is most likely Jim mocking Gregg passive-aggressively