Why do you faggot Brits celebrate boxing day?

15  2017-12-26 by TheNutGuzzler

Tss why not hockey day or sumthin?


We actually call it BoxyWoxy Dandy Day and we all paint pictures of the queen and mourn Diana.

I assume this is a joke but as an American I'm pretty sure you guys actually do this.

Don't forget the queen mam, Gawd rest 'er soul.

I heard they blow their grandpappy's while hearing stories about 1066 and william with his giant pecka swinging it around at Hastings and shiznit.

I always take me mum out on holiday for a traditional English breakfast of tea, beer, Heinz's baked beans and flavorless mush at the local pub.

Because its like Christmas day part 2. First beer at 11am.

How about try brushing your teeth day or sumpthin

Wait wait how bout fawwwkin get the muzzies outta your FAWWKIN country and take back your culture day or something idk

England, comment?

'We can't, they took our butter knives' - some english guy probably

Your mum's boxing day.

Tss yeah, punch that cunt repeatedly n shiznit

It's got to suck for fat pests in England to not have Thanksgiving. Best holiday ever if you love to eat!

Their food is shit anyway.

You don't like stuff boiled until all flavor leaves it?

Christmas is gifts plus Thanksgiving meal. Its like super Thanksgiving. We need two days for it. Way better.

Traditionally it was the servants day off. They'd wait on their masters over Christmas. On the 26th they'd get a day off to visit their families and a box of gifts and leftover food from their employer.

Now it's like black Friday. Just an excuse to spend a bit less money on shit you don't need.

I miss having servants. Fucking lincoln...

They had skilled white servents. It was cooler

I genuinely always assumed it was because we got rid of all our empty cardboard boxes.

This place is so educational.

Is it fuck. Nobody I know goes shopping. It was beer at 11am pub at twelve football at 3 house party til 1am

Because they are honorary kikes ever since that faggot Churchill turned half of Europe into the Soviet Union.

Another public holiday after Christmas. How faggy.

Yeah days off are really gay.

Dunno.. we “celebrated” it growing up - having an English grandmother and living so close to Canada... I never understood it.

I hope Harry's kid comes out blacker than Leslie Snipes. Lol

Weren't there some Premier League games today?

Why yes, yes there were. That Harry Kane lad scores more frequently than Artie Lang.

They should try not being a complete faggot for one day and leave boxing to the coloreds.