Peaky Blinders

0  2017-12-26 by maynardsabeast

Season 4 so good. Only 6 episodes. Adrien Brody overacting so hard I can't determine if it's awesome or terrible but I know that I love every second of it. You should watch this show if you don't already. Excellent set design and wardrobe, awesome music, great actors going all out, loads of cool guy violence, and an actually well written period piece. If you wanna see Boardwalk Empire mashed with Snatch then watch it. Cillian Murphy, Sam Neil, Aiden Gillen, and Tom Hardy are in it and there's lots of sexy flapper looking women in it


Peekee Fookin Bloinders

do they talk in this annoying blimey accent that ruins every english mob movie?

It's a Brummy accent I think. Not a cockney one.

those are both made up words

All words are made up fuck head.


Yeah, I definitely need subtitles. It's worth I though and they're gypsys so it's essential

It’s terrible. They’re World War One trench soldiers who all happen to be ripped male models with shampoo commercial perfect hair.

It’s really bad. I’m English and need to admit we make terrible drama’s. It’s not even a tenth as good as the sopranos.

It’s not even a tenth as good as the sopranos.

Well then again, what is?

True, some things are good though. The Killing remake, True Detective s1, The Wire are all infinitely better than Peaky Blinders.

I hated True Detective. After the novely of matthew mcconaughey being a skinny alcoholic had worn off, there was nothing left. the philosophical stuff was cringey, the dialogue was cringey ('i spent the last years an alcoholic..but functioning'). Woody Harrelson being his same old one note hack.

the last 3 spisodes shouldnt have existed. there was no material left.

I didn't realize The Killing was a remake, looked at the original Danish cast and the main woman is the same one from Fortitude, also a pretty good show excepting Dennis Quaid's performance in the second season but even that didn't ruin it. The first season with Stanley Tucci is great.

Mad men

terrible show. those forced pitches that save the client in the last minute reminded me of Boston Legal. Except Boston Legal knew it was a comedy.

You're annoying. Do you like or better yet write anything? Or do you just watch every show ever made and say that they suck like a pretentious, contrarian dick? Mad Men, Peaky Blinders, and True D were all quality shows, just cause they're not perfect doesn't mean that they suck

I've never seen peaky blinders, but the two other shows were terrible. If you disagree, you're a fag.

Mad men

Um, aHhPral fAlLs!!

That's not a very good reason to say a show is terrible. Plus if you need that to be believable you can just say that they WERE soldiers who became very wealthy. And no show ever is a tenth as good as Sopranos so that's just unfair

The acting is awful, the script is hammy and gay. The retarded accents. It’s just shit. It’s not entertaining.

Plus calling yourself the peaky blinders because you sew razor blades into your cap is inherently gay.

Whenever I think somebody is over critical of a show I like I always have to ask, what are you watching? What television do you consider quality these days?

even reruns of jerry springer offer more quality tv then crypto-gay british programming.

whatever he mentions, you are outdone, Shareef!

The only gay thing I see is people online trying to force the word "crypto" every chance they get

My comment however is not currency-related, dear Abdul.

Everyone uses crypto for everything now you trendy faggot. And I do not understand why I'm being called Muslim names but I do not appreciate it

Hassan, you are a liar and a pederast!

Is there a joke or insult to get here or is this just random hijinx?

Whatever my brother, we believe in the same god and that is all that matters.

A lack of belief is not a belief....or something like that

Hardcore gay porn with Sue Lightning. That’s what I watch because I’m a MAN and not a faggot who swoons over British gangsters with perfect undercuts.

Peaky Blinders isn’t very good. There’s something cheesy about the production of it that makes it feel like it’s not real. The acting is good, but the writing or the sets, I dunno, something is off. When you watch Sopranos, Wire, Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, you feel like you’ve been sucked into the world in which the characters live. That never happens for me with Peaky Blinders. I’ve tried and I want it to like it because of the subject matter, but it feels like I’m watching a network tv drama more than premium cable drama. There’s just a little too much cheese on it that makes it feel like Im watching a bunch of pretty actors on stage playing dress up and talking tough.

Fair enough on most of that, but the elder bro Arthur has a pretty convincing lower class shitbag face. Tom Hardy is fucking amazing as he leperous jew too.

Watched half of season 1 and couldn't be bothered to keep going.

I tried watching that shit but the stupid accents gave me a headache. 30 minutes in I had no idea what the show was about all I remember is a bar fight and then some skinny dude was on a horse in the slums. It made no sense at all.

Throw the subtitles up. 90% of the time you don't need them anyways but it brings it all together for us mericans

I turned on this show and I literally couldn't understand a word anyone said for the first 15 minutes so I turned it off and went back to watching Cheers for the 4th time.

Use Subtitles as your training wheels. After a while you get used to it and don't even really need em although they remain helpful. Also keep watching cause imo seasons 3 and 4 are their best

The only gay thing I see is people online trying to force the word "crypto" every chance they get

Everyone uses crypto for everything now you trendy faggot. And I do not understand why I'm being called Muslim names but I do not appreciate it