This place makes me afraid to click censored images now

16  2017-12-26 by Fightingrooster

Just a few days ago I saw a mans gaping asshole full of cum. And before that it was a lot of tranny dicks. Is there a way to like, oh I don’t know. Post some ladies instead. We can all just pretend she has a peckah. Right guys?


Women are gay until our very straight leader Luis 'I desperately wish I was white' Gomez gives us new orders.

thats Luis 'I desperately wish I was white' Gay Gomez

I think he’s only half Spic

Obama is also "only"

Obama is half spic?

here's some fauxcest porn to cleanse your palette -

Fool me once shame on you, fool me most days of the week, you know the rest of the saying

Wont get fooled again

Just a few days ago I saw a mans gaping asshole full of cum. And before that it was a lot of tranny dicks

And then you went online

Faaaaawk you ain’t kiddin cuz, I’m trying to pull that lil mugggg

afraid to click censored images now

afraid there's not gonna be a pecka





Get out faggot.