NotSamsonites are alpha males

77  2017-12-26 by greygooser


Those are 2 pussy crushers for sure

Literally wouldn’t surprise me.

Sam would kill for a hairline like that. I would kill him for free so I guess we are even.

The weak following the weak.

This couldn't be more pathetic.

Well at least his uncle is doing the parents a favor by giving him 100% effective contraception in the form of that shirt.

Yeah he needed that or he'd be fucking like crazy

I don't think a kid with his genetics and fashion sense would be having too much sex at all.

2 guys who will always wonder what a vagina feels like.

Kill these people.

How do you”christen” someone “into a follower” you dumb stupid faggot?

With a shirt, clearly

Use your fucking eyes

watch it with the name calling around here

And I thought I was a tremendous faggot. These "men" give me hope.

What's the Greek character after beta?

Cunta - and these guys are almost there.

These are examples of testosterone replacement therapy

"NotSamsonite" is the corniest hamfisted wannabe wrestler shit ever. It doesn't fucking make sense. I guess the username "NotSam" is kinda cute in 2002, but then he starts using a shitty wrestling-lite logo that says "I'm NotSam" ...No you are Sam. Even Sam doesn't want to be Sam

These are Sam's typical fanbase... he got a glimpse of real men in the O&Averse ... now he's sad he'll never be a real man, he'll be signing pics for $1 like the Virgil he mocked. will be sweet justice.

Please don't sign my belt.

At least they won't procreate.

Sam, you are a faggot fuck.

I did not cum in my pants when that girl touched my arm. I did naaaaaat.

I'm very angry now.


Emasculating that his nephew towers over him at age 12.

This has to be one of the ugliest fem looking families.

Wood paneling, cheap white paint, and $4 haircuts.

Pround Boys. More like Ashamed Boys.

*Tss Tss

while i hate sam now because of how he back stabbed the opester, I have to admit he sells some awesome shirts.

Jesus fuck, they make the proud boys look straight.

Just be confident, bros.

I have a better hairline than that and I shaved my head 3 years ago

He's a jerkoff besides being a sheltered fag.

do the bit!!!

no wait, please... no

i am completely baffled by this

They should share an egg between them or something.

Sam is a hero to the soyboys.

I am truly at a loss for words. If you put anything on TV, radio or film - people will latch on. It's the same reason Opie has even 1 fan. These two cucklords see themselves in Sam. He is their leader against a testosterone driven world. This goes to show, being different is a defense mechanism for the disenfranchised neckbeard, even if what you are listening to has ZERO value. It makes you wonder if these two sub-humans ever even listened to O&A.

I wonder how much child porn those two have combined

That's about right.

The millennial Anthony fears.

Yeah and a bunch of fat fuck O&A fans on a message board are the REAL alpha males! I get it!

Maybe you’re not, but I’ve got my container of coffee and I don’t give two hoots about with the boss thinks, I’m going to get the job done right, and I’m going to get it done right every time. I’m just a regular guy with a lot of heart.

Which one on the photo are you?

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