Good to know the O&A army rallied together and helped out Brother Joe's broadcasting career

27  2017-12-26 by rightwingpuppet


220 of it came from a urban league grant to help give minorties a voice

Why does a podcast need funding? You can do one on a 5 years old cheap phone.

Just ask Saiyen!

i dont know 10k seems like a small price to pay for radio gold

Most podcasts just start on their own. If they're any good, they eventually develop a following and go from there. Same with Twitch.

Joe really is an embarrassing failure.

Can racists ask for donations for a podcast?

Yeah, racist can make contracts, heard it on a court show. He's also NOT a pedophile

racist can make contracts

Thank You

lol hard evidence that Joe doesn't matter

So is this going to be a “tribute show” of Maury Povich or Scorch’s PFG?

can someone with a fake chinese credit card pledge the rest so he makes this but gets no money for it?

If I remember correctly, which I probably don't...

$100 came from Anthony, naturally

The other half were mostly joke names/messages from here

He somehow managed to get less than Artie spends on heroine in a McDonalds parking lot.

Artie is a proud patron of female heroes

I'd blame the autocorrect but Im pretty drunk, so let's go with that.

Racists can have podcasts


Long Island Italian dunder heads

Every time i see this i think its a patreon, and then i remember that it is the total he raised and not a monthly thing, and how much more pathetic that makes it and him