How does this qualify as a human?

48  2017-12-25 by NinetyFaaahve


Processed food and HGH is a bad fucking combo. He looks like the reflection of a funhouse mirror.

If you take HGH, eat clean and work out, you'll look like a wrestler. Take HGH and eat/live like Sam, and you look like a retarded Gumby.

His body is built out of corn syrup and soy. I'm actually amazed he was able to produce viable sperm to impregnate his wife. Who am I kidding? She was probably getting her cunt pumped by some other guy while Sam kissed the bulge on his Hulk Hogan doll in the other room.

Sams kid is black as the day is long.

It's still the funniest fucking thing in the world that his overbearing control freak of a mother was so terrified her little Sam would be short that she gave him human growth hormone.

Surely not? Anyone got a before and after photo? I think Sam is scared of overdosing on aspirin let alone man enough to shoot GH

Surely not? Anyone got a before and after photo? I think Sam is scared of overdosing on aspirin let alone man enough to shoot GH

hehehehe treats hehehehe erik loves his treats you know he’s from florida right? hehehehe you don’t think erock is a slender man? hehehehe

i didn’t think so! xD

seriously part of me hates erock just because he let this genetic disaster bully him. he walks around with two dozen targets on him and erik just took his shit.

You're forgetting Erik is a huge pussy wimp

I often wonder if he cries when looking at a mirror.

I'd totes swipe left, he's sooo grody!

So is Sam a Jew or black?

Jew obviously have African genetics. Jewfro anyone?

He looks like an aborigine. A gay one.

looking upon his image fills me with a primal instinct to punch him until he stops moving, for the betterment of the tribe

why is this link from zype?

Maybe because he can stand on his hind legs

Reminder that that's Sam in his prime

it doesn’t

It doesn’t. It just doesn’t.


Scientists should look closely, we've found the missing link.

The CIA is declassifying this project as we speak

He actually looks fine in this picture.

Hi sam