Patrice Calls Out Opie and Ant as "Fake Friends" while Norton tries to Diffuse

52  2017-12-25 by ART-CORNEY

A rare time Opie goes in on Ant with Patrice there Bitch Boy Jimmy tries to referee and stop what could have been an EPIC argument w Patrice choosing a side The conversation starts at 2:10 for mobile



Well said


Can't believe Jim doesn't want to lose his really great gig doing radio. What a worm.

It's insane how petty these fags could be when there were millions of dollars at stake. It just shows how incomprehensibly delusional Opie is.

I hate Opie but for 1M a year I would fucking put up with all that shit day in and day out.

I would do it for 60,000. 4 hour work days are tremendous and I had to listen to his nonsense every day for years anyways.

They should have dumped him shortly after Jim came on.

The Opie and Anthony brand was very valuable at the time so, no, this would not have been smart. Besides, I’m not sure putting all your eggs in the Anthony basket is ever the wisest business decision,

It'a a risk to dump.em because the brand name would get hit but with a new cohost at the time they might had a better envoirment which resulted in better shows.

Would've been stupid, as current history tells us, Ant and Jimmy have no clue how to make an entertaining full length radio-show.

Opester didn't go to bat for Ant because Ant refused to even pretend to be friends with him. If Ant had invited Opester to the compound a handful of times, they might still be making seven figure salaries.

Probably, which is why the shelled it up in the first place to keep those checks coming. I would do the same, I guess after many years of the Opester you just can't fake it anymore.

Big a and Bobo and other scumbag fans went to the parties. I am nearly positive Opie was invited to parties when they started and didn't show up because he is a faggot. Then he grew tits and got into watching dudes fuck his wife so he doesn't have alot of time for compound parties.

I think he did invite him. With the fucking weirdos at his parties, I don't think one more fat titted retard would change much.


Carradine yourself.

tss my car aint dyin' its doin fine or sumthin

Which Carradine?

Robert obviously. They should violate a woman's consent while wearing a Darth Vader mask then become Lizzy McGuire's father and proceed to fall off the face of the earth.

Needs more lisp.

O&A turned BAD when SCORCH LEFT the SHOW!

By the youtube title, I'm guessing this is the show where they riff on Karen Carpenter's anorexia, Patrice says she looks like a puppet and then Anthony starts doing a George voice.

I just arrived at my hotel in front of Mt Fuji and my wife is yelling at me for listening to this instead of putting on my robe and going to the hot springs with her, bitch I’m busy

I wonder if Norton still misses Peretti's strong, masculine jawline and humiliation based lovin'.

I bet she has a knobby clit

Was she the one that got creeped out by Jimmy’s characters when he would break them out? Especially Uncle Paul?

Correct. Just about every time he referenced his unnamed long-term girlfriend during the show's heyday he's talking about Chelsea.

Well.. she is much better looking IMO of that Norwegian “goddess” he was after lately...

Not that this is any place for making broad, uninformed speculation about Jimmy's personal life but I think he still regrets his anxiety blowing up his relationship when he felt like things were "better than he deserved."

Opie always comes off as the ex girlfriend thats in the same room as the new one.

lol. ty, these clips today are like stocking stuffers.


As soon as Jim loses the Jim & Sam Show, he'll beg O&A to reunite.

Robert obviously. They should violate a woman's consent while wearing a Darth Vader mask then become Lizzy McGuire's father and proceed to fall off the face of the earth.