call anth bisexual again and see what fucking happens.

54  2017-12-25 by cbanks420lol


My old man always referred to those flat caps as "cocksucker hats".

This lady burns diesel

Is that cow Lady Trucker?

Well I'd swipe right.

What color one did he make you wear?

Generally I don't agree with that statement, but in that style, I do agree.

I actually still do but as cocksucker caps vs hats. I thought everyone did!?


The ginger from the uhuru video has fucking let himself go.

Got those burns treated nice though.

who's dis biznitch?

Looks like Tim Robbins with thyroid cancer.

People who wear those hats are all the same type of douchebag.

The hat helps him pretend to be a secure and jolly fat man and provides a false sense of confidence but in reality he's in tears eating stacks of pancakes wrapped around butter sticks right now.

eating stacks of pancakes wrapped around butter sticks right now.

Fuck that sounds good. Earl, we got any pancakes wrapped in butter sticks back there? Friggin starvin

Hes shaped like Baby Huey

He's not bi. He's gay.

Extree extree! I'm a faggot!

Budget Joaquin Phoenix

Gary Sinise.

My fat asian wife, Forrest.

I was thinking fat Michael Keaton.

I don't see a hairlip. I think "shaved Bobo" is more apt.

Full-body shot

Detective Shamu in The Case of the Disappearing Penis.

I like Anthony but what is a peaheaded dwarf gonna do to anybody?

Eat and masturbate angrily.

In a corner growling no less.

“Fat guy hat”

He looks like the type of guy that talks about how much he loves his mother while slapping his wife in the face for late dinner

He has the same sponge bob body as chloe moretz


More like trisexual,faggot

Fatter Louie Anderson.


That’s me.

Ant's too cheap to BI anything, but he does like an occasional ballbag in the mouth.

How many trashbags did they link together to make that circus tent T-Shirt?

Who the fuck is that faggot

Look at that tight, aggressively pursed, pouty little mouth

Fucking die

The hat helps him pretend to be a secure and jolly fat man and provides a false sense of confidence but in reality he's in tears eating stacks of pancakes wrapped around butter sticks right now.

My fat asian wife, Forrest.