The Cumia brothers know how to scrub up for a court appearance.

92  2017-12-25 by SpudsCuckley


There are some disgusting rumors circulating that Brother Joe Cumia is a pedophile. If you hear or read any accusations saying that Brother Joe Cumia is a pedophile, don't believe it.

Thank you for clearing up the fact that Joe Cumia is not a pedophile. Some people may mistakenly believe that Joe Cumia is a pedophile so it's good to find out that Joe Cumia is not a pedophile.

I've never seen anyone on shitty cable tv say otherwise though so I'm going to still assume that he is just based on his appearance.

Isn't People's Court still on network TV?

Not a terribly important thing to point out, but I wanted to be heard from.

If Joe were really a pedophile, he would have lamented the death of "Thrown Far From a Car For a Soundbar" KillaKuhn, Jr.

He also never hit a woman with a frying pan.

How do you walk out of court cordially speaking with the gaping cunt who will eventually siphon millions from you and piss it all away not to mention inviting that blithering asshole face cocksucker Dominic Barbara into the home he tried his goddamndest to make not possible?! Anthony really is terrified of confrontation. The gutless fucking slimebag schiester lawyer knocks on the door and Ant let's the puke in and hangs out with him like he's an old friend?! If ever he should've used any one of those now confiscated weapons it, most certainly, would have been the perfect time to let a few fly into Dominic's disgusting bloated leathery shit bag face. Never understand that.

I always wondered if getting Barbara to represent her was some kind of psych game or additional fuck you. Like, of all divorce attorneys in the New York area, she gets the one associated with the Stern show to help take money from her shock jock husband.

Ant pretty much said that was the case.

How do you walk out of court cordially speaking with the gaping cunt who will eventually siphon millions from you

Good old "Don't rock the boat" Anthony, avoiding confrontation even when being taken to the cleaners by a total cunt that he hates.

When did Babs go inside? Never heard that story.

A couple years back, I do believe. The bottom feeding scum just knocked on his fucking door uninvited if I recall correctly?

Dominic was apologizing to people as part of his 12-step program.

Even more reason he needed his cap peeled back by hot lead.

it was actually worse. dominic was pitching Ant to join in on an advertising group he was working with. the 12-step program thing was most likely just a cover to get inside

It was when Anth was fired.

Anthony has what psychologists would call "high agreeableness". Some would just call it being a pussy who avoids confrontation, but it's a not a bad character trait.

Depends how tidy his room might or might not be.

Oh yeah, Ant and his ex both look overjoyed to be talking to eachother

Where the fuck does it say "overjoyed," you fucking failure?! You made up something just to be an asshole mouth complainant. Way to not understand the obvious, douchebag.

How do you walk out of court cordially speaking with the gaping cunt

What is supposed to do, trip her down the stairs?

Ugh. Yet another cuckold who let's his bitch walk all over his nutless existence.

No, you're right. It would have been a much smarter move on Ant's part to be photographed screaming at his ex as he exited the courthouse.

You fable scripters are a real bright lot, aren't ya. First it was "overjoyed" and now apparently I wrote that "Ant should've screamed and kicked the cunt down the stairs?!" There's only one major problem with your gutless lies, you bitch faced mutt. I never said any of it, did I? Looks like it's back to the drawing board for the slimy little rotten pukes like yourself. Better luck next time, false interpreter.

Boy, how do you really feel?

Yuck. You truly should be embarrassed with your useless responses. Carry on with being the vomitus bubonic plague rat that you are and will always be.

It apparently bothered you that Anthony was being too "cordial" to his wife in that picture. It's also apparent that a lot of other things bother you, much more than they should.

Oh and you're a worthless wad of festering mucus that will die alone and penniless, having contributed nothing to society whatsoever. Check me out, I'm a BADASS

Aaaaaand onces again..."check me out I'm a badass" is yet, another fabrication alongside your shit assumption that I'm bothered. Both utter garbage spewed by utter garbage such as your faggot faced self. Have a miserable new year, cocksucker!

Bothered, irritated, fired up, excited, whatever word you want to use. You were not pleased with Anthony's behavior in this 20 yes old snapshot, I think we can agree on that much. And don't steal Angry Jimmy, you aren't good at it.

Didn't I tell you to go fuck your douchebag faggot self about three times already? Yes, I certainly did. Way to get the point, imbecile. And no, I'm not agreeing with you on jack dry shit. Catch the hiv.

Or I'll catch BEE hiv, lil' mugs be buzzin

Why dont ya take your own shit advice and don't try to be Jimmy...or Chippah for that matter. Anyway, look have yourself a good new year after all. I don't want the shit karma over something so overall pointless. My entire point was that I, personally, would have went out the entire opposite side of the building just to avoid seeing her cunt face and bringing myself into a blood boiling rage let alone walking out with her nonchalantly chatting. It was never a dig at Ant in anyway, whatsoever. Anthony is who got me interested in O&A and kept me interested. Jimmy too, but Ant is/was the driving force of my listening pleasure in regards to O&A, of course.

You're reading really deep into this photo

I get blood boiling RAGE! Wanna play? WANNA PLAY? LET'S PLAY Wanna mess with "The Psycho"?

You're a queer

Are you mindlessly projecting shit I never said onto me again? You obviously didn't learn the last couple times that's a weak mans route of aggravation for inability to be offensive in your own.

I'm making a comparison.

No you weren't. You pulled out a shitty Opie quote to try and...fuck, it's so far off base I don't truly know what you were trying to accomplish and neither do you. It had zero to do with what I said. Nothing, whatsoever. I was talking about Ant being sued for millions in a divorce and having your blood boil having to pay for the very lawyer that was bilking him for the cunt that he is divorcing. Real common sense shit here. Ant said many times how it fucking killed him signing away those checks to that bitch every month. The fuck does a shitty opie quote have anything to do with fucking ANYTHING about that? And, by the way, isn't "tittymountainhighway" some lame ass failed Opie bit that nobody except your dumbass would ever bring up again. You fucking piss stench.

Bob Kelly, actually

I was making fun of your internet tough guy act by comparing you to Opie, another non-tough guy

Here's what started it all, "How do you walk out of court cordially speaking with the gaping cunt...".

Why are you so sure they're being cordial? His mouth is slightly open, and his head is somewhat tilted towards his ex, thats all. He could be saying nothing, he could be calling her a twat, who knows?

Go ahead and write another long winded diatribe about what a piss fuck cunt shit fuck shitty fuck cunt I am, because you are The Destroyer

Oh, FUCKING FINALLY you admit the truth and we can now be done with you and your limp wristed gutlessness. Took fucking forever, but you eventually "brought it all back around" as they would often say on O&A. "What a piss fuck cunt shit fuck shitty fuck cunt I am." And that's a direct quote!!! That's all I wanted to see, buddy. Now, don't you feel better? It's all over now. Your new years queer resolution is made. You've admitted defeat thoroughly. Kill yourself and rot in subreddit hell, bitch made faggot.

How old are you? You seem to get a real thrill from writing naughty words. You're a piss fuck shit fuck shitter bitch fuck shit. YESSSS I WON!!

U mad, bro? Stick a fork in it. "It's over, Johnny." Bleed out you stuck pig.

U no read good. U no smart.

The confusion before the end. Rest In Piss, nigga.

I already said that I won, so that means I won

Just a dead body with its milky dead eyes open lookin like a mannequin just beneath the waters surface...

I'm guessing high school sophomore, I'll say you're in honors English. Halfway decent vocabulary, sure, but the attitude of somebody who thinks online tough talk is actually intimidating

One hand is waving meekly back and forth in a perpetual sad goodbye due to the slight current in the water...

8th grade

A Sophomore is in 10th grade, you fucking blithering asshole imbecile!

I know. I was amending my initial assessment of your writing skill. Sophomore was too high, you're an 8th grader.

Negative. You failed. Nice try shit face.

I already told you that I won. Why keep crawling back for more punishment? I've defeated you in every way. You can tell because I said I won.

"I won/I said I won/Yesssss I won" WE HEARD YOU!!! Goddamn already! For fucks sake, you fucking redundant, mindless, repetition stricken puke vomitus, no t-cell count having mentally challenged dunderheaded shit sack. Goddamn, you love to prove true a classic definition of insanity...keep smashing your shit filled skull into the wall each time expecting a different outcome. Dumbass, you still just end up with a shit streak smeared on the wall. Nothing else and most certainly not a win. And don't foolishly try to turn it around with another tired add assumption (which, you will. Of course You will!). You admitted that you're a "shit fuck cunt" and everything after that is you crawling back for boots to the head, neck and face. I thoroughly enjoy kicking your head around like a soccer ball. Why do you keep slithering back is the question?

I "admitted" what, exactly?

Oh, I see. You used bunches of lame insults on me, and when I said "go ahead and call me a so and so", you took that as an admission. Ohh, you're retarded

T cell joke...edgy.

A Sophomore is in 10th grade, you fucking blithering asshole imbecile!


Speaking of mindlessly projecting shit, you know precisely what the tone, mood, and conversation between Ant and his ex was, based on one photo.

If you're going through a divorce, it's in your best interest to not scream and yell and insist on using a different exit because your rage cannot be controlled!! FAWK YEAK!! Grown ups control themselves in public like that.

You never learn from your mistakes do you, shit for brains dunder skull. So you've never been infuriated with someone and kept your cool and didn't scream and yell or attack someone either in public or otherwise, huh? The only possible conclusion to someone's blood boiling must be that they lose all control and murder someone, right? That's about the...what fifth time you've attributed shit to me that I never said. Fuck face, again what I said was I wouldn't want to put myself through that anger. Never said anything close to he should be screaming and yelling etc. You assumed that incorrectly so as you've been all along (and, no doubt, will obviously continue to since you've shown zero ability to cease with such dead end stupidity even after being called out on it numerous times.) That's a stubborn bag of shit for ya. Where did I say I know precisely anything, dumbshit? Also, id love to hear all about your personal nobel peace prize winning contributions to humanity and how much you've personally enriched those around you with your gifts of brilliance since you're so knowledgeable about who is and isn't of value to the world. This should be an entirely laughable pile of dog shit...I'm all ears, genius. Let's hear it.

"since you're so knowledgeable about who is and isn't of value to the world." I didn't say that

Also, pekkas

Joe thought his army shirt might get him some patriotism sympathy from the judge but little did he know latins hate america

Ant looks like he's in season 2 of Fargo.

Jennifer Cumia looks like a young Sandy Kane.

One was greatly defeated, and the other greatly victorious

Yeah - at least Joe got money and national TV out of his court appearance.

Fuck I hate Joe more than any other person I never met.

How could you marry your older brother's sloppy seconds? That's some cuck tier shit right there.

That's how Long Island Italian Dandies dress

tHE cUuMIa bROtHErs haVE GoOd-LooKiNG GiRLfrIENds

Anthony always gets a 40 inseam without a hem so he looks like a piece of shit.
Joe doesn't have to work as hard.

He made a Facebook post around when this was broadcast boasting about how he won the case and "got the girl too".

That thing in the blue dress was the "girl" he was bragging about. Let that sink in.

Holy shit I remember that. She looks like a goblin in a dress.

She could give Sam's hairline a run for Ant's money.

Ant's ex looks like Moe Szyslak in drag

Anthony's ex wife looks like a who down in who-ville. How the fuck was Anthony so attracted to her?

He was attracted to the scent of Joe's seed seeping out of her pores.

Long Island Trash is mutually attracted to each other.

And BTW - Anthony is no looker either.

Thought it was Billy Joel on the right

I'd fuck Ant's haggard ugly cunt wife. Is there any better picture of her face?

Teh reason both of them wore what they wore is just so they can try and get out of somthing or gain somthing

For Anthony it would be someone saying Oh hes wearing an NBC jacket he must be important on tv or radio etc

For joe its someone seeing his shirt and saying oh this guy must be a veteran and therefore ruling in his favour

Was the one on the left the one described as "a 10"?

I can see your enthusiasm for being a punching bag is waning. No, not 'winning' waning. We know how much you supposedly love to "win." You're a whipping boy bitch. You fail, I boot you in your shit filled skull. You fail and I drop kick you in your jizz coated nauseum. I've no problem with it and can keep it up for months, but it just gets boring when it's one sided. You've offered ZERO in the way of entertainment on any level with the sole exception of being a crash test dummy. Not sure there's much left of you to urinate upon anymore, but if you want to be a hold out to the bitter end than keep offering up fragments of skull and I'll keep offering up a boot.

Uhh... what?