How satisfying would it be if he woulda just went through with it

14  2017-12-25 by NinetyFaaahve


I hope somebody discovers parts of her body in dumpsters scattered across the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

Lower East Side is way too nice these days; those dumpsters are reserved for supermodels now.

Ladies of her quality end up in South Bronx dumpsters.

Is Delancey street still a zoo?

I want to take her out for a nice malted, talk to her about her life choices, and then give her a smooch.

She’d call you a faggot bitch for not trying to fuck her. You stoopid white boiiii what’s wrongeitchu don’t u like me??

I was kidding, sir. She’s an irreversible animal. I just think her breasts are nice.

Look at the sheer wide-eyed terror on her face for a split second at 14 seconds. But then she goes right back to being a lippy cunt because he restrained himself. And tough girl wasn't going to put her hands up and fight, she was going to turtle.

Jesus is this the same girl? Throw her in a coon cage already