I am doing a erock and doing shots at breakfast

7  2017-12-25 by Dennyislife

I will not cry like him though.


yeah you will

What are you eating and what are you drinking

Cheese on toast with Worcester sauce and this polish vodka that tastes like cola if left out in the sun.

You Travis Bickle ass nigga.

Uuh it's pronounced Wusstersheer okay.

And that's gross.

That sounds fucking disgusting.

Go home. No one needs you.

I'm shithoused and your disgusting meal is making me vomit legitimately. Thanks for ruining my Christmas morning you British fuck.

I wanted to save some space for later so left off the pickles and tomato purée base.

How are British people so fat if they only eat such disgusting shit?

Never met a Brit. I am English.

Do you have any hard drugs this crimbo my good friend? I hope you arn't going to be hungover the rest of the day. I have no family but my distant relatives called C & H came to visit to keep me company

No. High on life.

Fuck that snort some nutmeg or something

Pip pip and cheerio, fucker. No Xmas trifle? That shit rules

Hell yea. I got some beef stew going in the slow cooker for tomorrow and gonna get stupid drunk on scotch. Merry Christmas shithead.

Fuckin limey

Now that's a man's man.


How are British people so fat if they only eat such disgusting shit?