If Anthony showed up for a KKK meeting

25  2017-12-25 by Uboat1940

They'd fuckin' lynch his ass.


Anthony is only NY white. If he was from Tuscaloosa he'd be a swarthy eyetalian people want away from their daughters. Not as much as Tyrone or Pablo but still.

If I'm not mistaken, they readily accept Italians/Catholics now.

Maybe the faggy kkk where you're from, where I'm from though we still don't even consider the Irish white, as it should be.

I agree. The Irish/Italians are subhumans and southern white trash are the master race.

The Irish aren't even human, let alone white.



The true KKK was a vigilante-organisation to keep peace in the south when the police-force couldn't handle the crimes. Mostly it was blacks but they culled most crimes in the south. Was paraded around as heroes aswell, compared to how the media nowadays wants to show them, that's why even Hollywood made a whole movie about them.

The KKK also hates Catholics so the wop is out either way.

They hate Catholics? These fuckers must be stopped!!!

They used to in the 40s and 50s, now they just hate niggers and Jews.

I'd see him and say "Hey, Anthony!"

Mafia III has a funny scene where the ultra-Southern KKK leader with his own radio show gets drunk and starts to rant about the "true" inferior race, the Italians, before getting forcibly taken off-the-air. The funny part being his constant race rants against blacks were completely acceptable on-air but attacking Italians was taking it too far to his listener-base.

link to audio please

thank you sir

This was an underrated game. Better than GTA 5 for sure

It would be like that scene in Oh Brother Where Art Thou