Besides sex, bodies and a hole: Name me one good, redeeming thing about WOMEN...

0  2017-12-25 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Homemade sandwiches

Most of the people working at sandwich shops are men, I don't even trust them to get that right.

ThEy CaN bE FuNnY

Sticking them in front of the wall you are about to punch because spackling work fucking sucks

They're gullible. Like when you convince one of them that blowing you to get back at the BF/husband they're mad at is their idea. Sometimes they cry right after but by then they're already in their car anyway.

I ah. I got nothing!

Physical and emotional companionship without being gay.

This is a trick question isn't it?

T'row her keys in the terlit, diarrhea shit on it, and tell the cunt ta fish 'em out. Priceless entertainment and FREE

They teach men how to be mentors. Women need to be coached on how to do most things and function as a proper person, it's not in their nature. This is why single moms are psychos: moms parent the kids but the man has to essentially parent the woman or she goes off the rails. This process helps a man fully mature and realize he more or less controls his domain but can't behave childishly and flaunt it around. He is a stabilizing force. Like Billy boy said, There's no feminists during a house fire. It would be even better if you were still allowed to smack em around a bit but that's just the times we live in.

even when they're handcuffed in the dungeon, they react to your threats through the gag.

Cooking isn't even a redeeming factor. Cooking a meal is very easy if you practice and buy cheap spices.

not all of them, but they generally keep homes better looking and better organized. They fucking suck at actually cleaning and maintaining, but they'll fill a house with cute shit that smells good.

They watch to make sure the kids don't find the guns while I get drunk on the couch watching "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia"

You can feel like a real man by shoving them around

They spend money wisely and always have something insightful to say.

They can usually take a punch.

Uhh they’re personalities for one. Racist prick

Aw, What did she do to you?