Thank you, r/opieandanthony

174  2017-12-25 by aPersonStranded


One day, the Mexicans and Blacks will outnumber the Humans

I've long since forgotten if I'm being ironic or not.

If your over 23, its real. Being an edgy 30 y/o is liked by no one.

This is one of the few places left where you could be non ironic about it and receive love. It's a wonderful place one of the few left on the internet.

Irony is just a pinkpill.

I cant keep up with these pills anymore. which one is cool to take nowadays?

A sopsitory


Yup that’s the ticket! I can always rely on you scum bags to correct my spelling.

That's why it's such a hard pill to swallow!

oh so retro ... for me at least.


Percocet. Molly Percocet.

~Every Sound Cloud Rapper who ever lived

eh, oxy is since forever, so vintage.

Welcome home.

It's ironic until someone says race isn't real and then you start pulling out graphs.

is it weird to admit i have day dreams where im that Hitler???

No, I have dreams of a Judenfrei world myself

I have recurring one of river dancing ontop of gas chambers kicking open cans of Zyklon B into the vents below

E D G E 💀💀💀

Reinhard Heydrich.....that guy was a legend.

I'm only racist against blacks, jews, arabs, and indians. The rest are tolerable.

Fags and tolerable are never used in the same sentence

Mexicans; "tolerable," really?!

I actually like Mexicans more than white people. They have good food, keep their head down and work hard, and do shit jobs us porcelain skins dont want to do. Mexico as a country is dog shit though.

jobs white people don't want to do.

This is the most fairy dust and unicorn bullshit liberal pro immigration stance ever.
There's no such thing as a job no one will do. Best you could say is whites can't do them under the minimum wage law.

There's no such thing as a job no one will do.

Speak for yourself, retard. You idiot truckers on this sub should stop trying to talk about anything.

Name 12, faggot.

Why do liberals think its OK to post here?

Did they ever here the O&A Show? Defending Mexicans wasnt a regular part of the show



try living in a spic state, they will force you to hate them. Fuck mexicans.

There's an intersection that I drive through daily, where on one corner there's a little Mexican dude selling flowers, and on another corner there's a white hobo begging for money. There's something about Hispanic culture that's fundamentally against laziness.

All the good ones came here.

I like Mexicans more than white people but I actually hate the societies in which they're a majority and prefer those built by whites try to be more subtle next time, spic.

Mexicans suck at math. Example: Peso.

I'm glad you're accepting of the chinks!

Chinks? Come on man. fucking nippers


Hitlers nephews live down the block from me. They changed their last name. I should learn how to curse in german an drive my Audi on their lawn

should be great nephews from his half brother Alois side


His brothers kids. Im not gonna say their last name but they live on Long Island. They are sorta wealthy, they live in a semi-gated community

the only Brother of Hitler who didn't die in infancy was his half-brother i mentioned: Alois.

all of Alois children are already dead but they had offspring too. so that would make them the great nephews (great half nephews)

and they all have the last name Stuart-Houston that is no secret.

its pretty far removed from Hitler but they are the closest living descendants besides the grandchildren of Hitlers half sister Angela Hitler. who's last names are Raubal and Hocheger.

So if u dont have a Stuart-Houston living next to you then they are pretenders

I live in the same neighborhood as Hitler’s greatest admirer.

Do I know you?

I dont know all of the info so i guess they are from his half brother. Either way they changed their last name but everyone knows who they are because the history channel blew their spot up

Nazis suck at war. Example: everything since 1938

They almost beat the whole world at it.


If it weren't for those damn Ruskies.

"WOOOW only took your all of your team to kill me noob :)"

He tried to save the west from Bolsheviks. He lost, Bolsheviks won and made sure to present the right narrative the world.

I'm starting to legitimately despise women

Same here man. They're just holes at this point.


Bigger letters next time Assburger

Quiet. Mulattos are supposed to be quiet and stay in the service/backroom areas.

Hey Ya'll, just wanted to remind you to use White Flour! Merry Xmas!

My white pride posts always get down voted, so I think this place is more crass and subversive than truly racist. Hooray!

Blatant racism is generally uncreative and not funny. We're here to laugh not hear shitheads' fantasies about the Jews secretly running the world.

This post is fucked up but i still laughed

Like the rest of this shit isn't?

well yknow. Tranny jokes and Sam going bald or whatever is not quite the same level as making a wacky hitler meme

Are you saying we're repetetive cocksuckers, sir?

Theres an admirable ingenuity in finding new ways to call anthony black for the 20 thousandth time

Remember the Bob Kelly copypastas from like a month ago? Those were actually creative as fuck.

once in while even gypsy gets a good one. marry christmas.

Just die. Disgusting jew...

oy vey why so angry on christmas? tss tss

Irony is just a pinkpill.

Like the rest of this shit isn't?

Welcome home.

should be great nephews from his half brother Alois side


It's ironic until someone says race isn't real and then you start pulling out graphs.

Name 12, faggot.


If your over 23, its real. Being an edgy 30 y/o is liked by no one.

This is one of the few places left where you could be non ironic about it and receive love. It's a wonderful place one of the few left on the internet.

That's why it's such a hard pill to swallow!