I got dumped last night.

80  2017-12-25 by Hold_My_Brush22

I guess my present was one less bitch, amirite fellas??

Gonna go hang myself now.


she's prob with a man with a bigger and girthier dick already or at least chatting with one

Its christmas eve, she's getting spit roasted by her old boyfriends.


Ex-fiance actually.

oh that totally sucks, that means you were just a rebound and she prob didnt even think it wasa real relationship. like a lowpoint in her life


You know what would get her back, is if you cut off your own cock and balls and deliver it to her in a giftwrapped package.

That was my favorite episode of Everybody Loves Raymond.

That’s right! Step it up from Van Gogh that shiznits old 🧢. Give the future a tale to truly behold!

No emojis here

My bad.

All is forgiven on our lord and savior’s day of birth. Peace be with you.

They can have her problems too. They'll probably fetch her water when she's in bed or get something high up in a cabinet high out of her reach. It's not just sexual. That would be terrible if only you had to put up with the bullshit for little to no reward

Almost all men meet that description.

Like Vos.....

Who's at the Stand NYC the 26th and 30th

civil war probably coming soon, you'll be able to get your revenge no problem


shoot yourself. you get bonus points for traumatizing the people who find you. (i know from experience.)

Funny you say that, I'm starting a go-fund me for a pistol and one bullet.

go to florida. my buddy got his 9mm for $200. it did the trick.

What kind of loser doesn’t have a gun and a bullet?

No wonder she dumped you.

What are the backer perks?

My lifeless corpse.

Let this be a lesson: be civil to slits and you will get burned.


Nature has programmed into them the necessity to be dominated.

Cliché yes, but nevertheless unfortunately true.

Every hole is like this. Every. One.

I laughed. I can't tell if you are being serious. Either way. You had an interesting friend.

My current gf's ex-bf of a few years ago said he was going to kill himself and it would be her fault, after a big public court case where he went to jail for holding a gun to her in a car, and he eventually did shoot himself in the face but survived and now hes one of those people with an anus face like ant made fun of, and she said she doesnt feel bad because he was the type to do it just to spite someone. When we were fighting about something or whatever I photoshopped an anus onto my face and sent it to her.

That sounds like a healthy relationship.

Wait a few hours. Let your death be the first thing your family hears about Christmas morning. It will ruin Christmas forever for all of them, but at least you’ll be remembered.

Not remembered for you though as you're probably unnoteworthy. Just for making your cousins have to pretend to be bummed and having to wait to fly their cool new minidrones a day or two later.


Keep Calm and Plug Vos

The funny thing about women is that -even thought they're supposed to be the ones who are more empathetic as a whole- they don't give a shit about anyone else's feelings, until it has something to do with them or unless its convenient for them to do so.

Women are more in touch with their emotions, don't confuse that with compassion or empathy.
Men actually have a sense of responsibility. If you told a man and a woman that they could never see their child but they had to continue to work to support them, most (white) men would but watch women's enthusiasm for children slip away when they're not allowed to cuddle them and tout them around as an accessory.

Women are more in touch with their emotions

This is a huge lie. Women aren't more in touch with their emotions, they just don't take control of them like a man has to. Are kids more in touch with their emotions than adults? No, because adults have learned what their emotions mean and how to deal with them. Men, anyway. Women are children.

Being in touch with your emotions doesn't necessarily mean you know how to control them.

Men who are in touch with their emotions = fags

Women only care about their own personal feels that often operate on a basis of zero logic or thought or even facts.

Wait until KillaKuhn starts his trial before you go killing yourself.

Buck up, plenty of fish in the sea

Plenty of cooter that smells like fish

That'd be great if I wanted to fuck a fish.

If you value any of these broads over another you're literally a gay homosexual. They're all blank slates anyway, find a lonely one and upload all your opinions and beliefs into them over the course of 2 months.

Aka The Tranpa Method

Works best if they're young and don't know any better, right Ant?

I accept the joke but you can do this with women at any age. It's actually easier as they get older because the desperation sets in so they're looking for anything that looks like an answer.

That's true but it's not genuine. They are old but do it to appease you and keep you around. When they're young they're stupid and don't look into things and think you are the smartest man on earth and will follow you to the end of time and take it in the butt.

Women are stupid, period. You could convert Ann Coulter to a Democrat if you had the right dick.

They really are terrible followers and even worse leaders.


Probably the greatest think I ever did was wait until I was 43 to get married. I've had so many exes who dumped me then came back years later because they realized that it was worth putting up with my shit. If I'd cashed in my chips when I was 30 or 35 I don't think I would've had so many women to choose from. Conversely, if I'd waited until 50 or 55, a lot of the good ones would've already been taken.

Thanks for the life lesson grandpa


What about a narwhal.

Dude, stop being so hard on yourself.

Just grab another hole and plug it with your cock.

They're all out there.

If a girl dumps a guy, it usually means she's already got another guy picked out.


True. Or you’re just boring.


A double in case of trouble

... which means she was cheating on the first guy.

Probably for awhile.

Probably with a mulatto gentleman.

Hah "mulatto", sure buddy

Or some of her bitch girlfriends have been yapping in her ear. Not that I speak from experience.

Definitely. Women are all whores, it's true.

Probably been fuckin new guy for awhile now. Fuck that skank whore.


sometimes they dumb you because they realize what an utter failure you are way before there is time for them to pick another guy

At least she didn’t leave you for a skateboarder

So will you get to return whatever you wasted money on for Christmas?

I salute you, see you in hell

When you're dead, we'll forget you. Merry Xmas

"Women were put on this Earth for Mans pleasure" - Teddy Roosevelt

Dude, hit a bar ASAP (hopefully you read this Christmas night, GO CHRISTMAS NIGHT). Bring this whole "I was broken up with on Christmas" gimmick with you and you are bound to fuck some girl who is just in town to visit her parents for the holidays.

I was expecting a Vos plug at least. What does anyone really get out of this post?

i feel better after reading this personally. my life is a lot better than his by comparison. i would kill myself if i was him

Yeah me too but there's no need to brag


What are you a fuckin' (((mod)))?!

How long were you dating this harlot?

Like 5 months, give or take.

Jesus Christ. I've taken longer shits.

You dodged a bullet. Better to find out now than after she's pregnant with Bam's baby.

Lol boo hoo



You shouldn’t care too much then. If you do then it’ll be emotional growth you desperately need.

Lol, you're being this faggy and dramatic about a 5 month relationship? Start acting like a man ffs.

Double- or triple-braid rope is what you want to use. Don't fag out on us with some clothesline or an extension cord.

Teach her a lesson and go down to local bathhouse,blow everyone then brag to her about it

Why would he brag about carrying on with his hobbies after the break-up?

He’ll run into her down there doing the same sorts of activities.

go for suspension hanging, drop hanging is too messy.

Yeh this would be the way to go, you could probably even bang out a quick asphyxi-wank on the way out.

I was once dumped on Valentine's Day so I feel your pain?

Any man who gives a fuck about Valentine's Day deserves everything any woman ever does to him.

Don't do it, brother. There's always tomorrow. Until you die naturally at least

Things will get better.

Better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all, right gang?

Seriously friend, don't ponder suicide. Just use drugs and alcohol to kill your pain like the rest of us.

And I guess our present was one less faggot

She dumped to save on a Christmas gift. Don't worry. She'll be back next week you fucking idiot.


I wish you were dumped with battery acid

Do you like reindeer cock? I’m sucking comet’s now. When they get to your place blow one of them. It’ll cheer you up.

Maybe Santa will bring you a new one!

Buck up, son.
Least you're not Opie.

She's probably a whore cunt (or a nice person).

Wish generally not good things on her and keep moving


where's the Vos gig?

shoot to kill

I am so thankful to live in NYC where the most horrible Asians can be had for 60 bucks.

I have it on good authority that bitches ain't shit.

But hoes and tricks

Got dumped? Only matters here if the dump was over a glass table. Otherwise dump a knife on your wrists, shitbag. AHHPECHKAAAHHZZ



haha LOSER

e: we are here for you, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Before I even give a shit....:how long were you two fellas together?

Guess that lock of pubes will have to wait till next Christmas for some other lucky lady.

Dude, ya get some VR goggles, ya put on some pov porn. Boom, no need for a new girlfriend.

k see ya

id tell you to kill yourself but thats a rough one. Holiday hookers are ok

women are whores falala posting revenge porn on pornhub falalha looking up exes falala

go to florida. my buddy got his 9mm for $200. it did the trick.

If you value any of these broads over another you're literally a gay homosexual. They're all blank slates anyway, find a lonely one and upload all your opinions and beliefs into them over the course of 2 months.


Let this be a lesson: be civil to slits and you will get burned.


Nature has programmed into them the necessity to be dominated.

Cliché yes, but nevertheless unfortunately true.

Every hole is like this. Every. One.

What about a narwhal.

Dude, stop being so hard on yourself.

Just grab another hole and plug it with your cock.

They're all out there.

Women are more in touch with their emotions

This is a huge lie. Women aren't more in touch with their emotions, they just don't take control of them like a man has to. Are kids more in touch with their emotions than adults? No, because adults have learned what their emotions mean and how to deal with them. Men, anyway. Women are children.

I laughed. I can't tell if you are being serious. Either way. You had an interesting friend.

No emojis here


Women only care about their own personal feels that often operate on a basis of zero logic or thought or even facts.

What kind of loser doesn’t have a gun and a bullet?

No wonder she dumped you.

What are the backer perks?

My lifeless corpse.