Opie and Anthony commentator Saiyan Z Rage attacks Brian Gilgore and Red Bar on his Christmas live stream

4  2017-12-24 by Gilgores_Trout


I can’t believe this poor colored boy genuinely thinks he could or should have a following here. If I wanted to be preached to by a nigger with a lisp I would join a Zionist or Baptist church with a queer deacon.

How can one be totally banned from here? Can’t you just create a different account?

Who the fuck is this queer, seriously I have no clue and I’m on this sub every day

Another monkey drinking a large McDonald's coke while being horrible on mic.

Who the fuck dresses like that?



I think he should fix his ceiling instead of doing whatever this is.

Also this little "jab". LOL, he thinks he's tough but /u/spinuch will not take this.

Radio war!

I can't imagine listening to more than a couple seconds of this sickening voice.

Just so we're clear, Joyomi is still the King of Hot Takes.

who is joyomi?

A sweet little boy who never chopped up a whore. Behold.

I’m actually sad sometimes that we ran him off. But then I think about how much of a boring, unfunny retard he was and I get over it really quickly.

he hates the mods as well, sometimes an enemy of my enemy is a friend

Brian Gilgore is a Brit?!? WTF!

Dat boi shoulda brexited himSELF!

Broadcasting Sam Roberts style.


You mean with Mulatto mongrel lips? That's about right.

Nice ceiling panels.

Who da fuck is this N