Never forget: Faggot-worm Jim sent me this when I pointed out Patton murdered his wife

20  2017-12-24 by TonyFromLongIsland


breaking news: jimy is a fajot

Whoa! You crossed the line homie.

Arrrgh no need t' humiliate t'e lad arrrgh

Give me gold.

How did you respond?

Hem and hawed then apologized like the rest us would have.

You’re scared of the tranny fucking worm?

When you phrase it that way then, yes.

I honestly think I turned Jim off from ever talking with any of us again. I went hard on the lil fella and didn't give him an inch even when he tried to appeal to my inner fanfaggot. I called him a wormy cocksucker who made his career off of having zero compassion or sympathy for anyone. I think he was annoyed that day. I think the last thing I said was "have fun paying for sex you ugly AIDS patient." and he gave the typical passive-aggressive 'Okay well I don't know anything about you so have a good day"

Real Ass Pest

you schtink

You really should’ve remorselessly tormented Jimmy while you had him the corner like that. You could have just loffed and loffed at the fact that it was a so insanely one sided cap session with him, obviously, having zero ammunition against you. You had a hundred free shots and he had to sit there and take the beating...and he would have as well. He most certainly would’ve stayed the course of ritualistic abuse to the bitter end. Oh well. Better luck next time, sir.

You basically described what happened. I wish I could give you guys the entire session but that account has since been banned.


The fact that you think this didn't happen says a lot about what a nutless, sheepish faggot you are.

Prove it then dumb fuck

ok hold on

Post a screenshot

fuck your mother

Knew you had no proof. You’re making this shit up.



It's not like he ever encouraged people to send hurtful messages to people he wasn't a fan of.



but are you really contacting him directly saying shit like this?

*ohhhhh rhetorical question Jim

He really motherfucked you.


I don't know man, that's a tough one

Same jokes every thread.


Leave it alone

Yea but they’re fawkin homeruns and still make me laugh. So buzz off, nerd.

Oh cool. Fuck me for looking originality. I'll go copy and paste "banana for scale" a few dozen times. Low IQ faggot.

U mad on Christmas? Ew. Get laid, dork.

Then leave and get a life faggot

How the hell could you disagree with him here?

Because Patton is a bloodthirsty murderer.

Exactly. You can never disagree with Neutral McLukewarmerson because he makes no stand in the first place.

hypocritical little slug. i’m sure he rationalizes in his head how it’s any different from the shit he’s said about people. “yeah man i made fun of tragedies and attacked people on a personal level, but only is published books and on national radio shows, never on twitter man that’s a motherfucker”

deep breaths yeah man that's a tough one

You should have responded that you are conducting an investigation and you’d appreciate it if he butts out so you can do your job.

If only I had the presence of mind to say that, and not be frothing at the mouth with a chance to jump on the worm directly.

What was your reply?

That little fag probably blocked him after he sent the DM.

Should have asked him about Princess Alena while you had his attention.

Was a while back

What sniveling slimy cock sucker. Where the fuck does he get off, this nigga knows there’s mountains of dirt on him and still has the balls to be holier than thou.

Jim after we finally blow this case open: deep inhale Yeah I don’t it’s a tough one man. I mean it’s starting to look like he really did off her. I don’t want to motherfuck the guy but you just can’t murder your wife.

Jim only has compassion for comics and trans. Thats why he was so harsh on dave smith. He hates civvies and can ridicule them anout their dead babies, horrific disfigurements via chimps, aids riddled bodies, suicides, housefires, and a natural disasters are all fair game.

Its how he deals with the world's sadness maaaaaaaaaan.

That is so true its exposing. What an observation.

I mean (sharply inhales) yeah, I get that he's trying to destroy civilization and hates white people, and openly advocates for children to be abused, drugged, and mutilated while they're still preteens, (lowers voice to a whisper) but wow (raises voice to slightly above average level and makes sure everyone can hear his indignance) did you actually say mean words to him on twitter? (puts on whiny voice) aaawww baby boy, is the baby boy offended? (screams) OH MY GOD! WHAT A FFFFFFFFFUCKIN SSSSSSSSSCUUUUUUUMBBBBAG!

Then snaps a suckerpunches sam in the face yelling "I NEVER LIKE YOU, YOU SNIVELING CUNT"

Lol, little pussy boy never has or will throw a punch in his life.

How is this the same man who invented Dr. Steve Chipperson

He has a point

Why are you pretending that what Jim said is somehow irrational or hypocritical?

Fine if you disagree, but he's not saying anything controversial there. There's an argument that it's in poor taste to taunt someone about their dead wife and accuse them of murdering her. That isn't a bold claim.

Opie and Anthony didn't seek out people who did nothing to them and taunt them about their dead relatives in their personal life. If someone consented to being on the show and subjected themselves to that, there's an argument that it's fair game. Patton did not "opt in" to having his dead wife mocked. He didn't consent to being on a show in a context where there's an understanding that they might make fun of it. You're just sending someone messages telling him he killed his wife while he sits at home.

Jim even starts the message with "Any event can be made fun of" and specifies that he just doesn't think you should contact his friend directly and mock his tragic loss.

You have no basis to complain about this.

If you think I'm reading that you're an even bigger faggot than I am.

Cause your a mature grown-up that can see when a funny joke becomes bad taste. Nobody thinks patton killed his wife..... but he liked a black president who is on the other team so so so... chill out anthony.

tss tss or an"tony" or sumpthin


Hate to be a soccer mom here but why the fuck would someone bother patton with this? How is this okay ? I agree Jim is a hypocritical dummy but geez hes right..


I think the internet has passed him by

I sent a tweet calling him a fag for having Amy Schumer on his fighting podcast and he sent me a DM justifying why she was on.

I didn’t even listen to it and never would but I had to let him know how disappointed I was.

Give me gold.

If only I had the presence of mind to say that, and not be frothing at the mouth with a chance to jump on the worm directly.

That little fag probably blocked him after he sent the DM.
