Tss mods? What are they a bunch of British teenagers from the 60's?

84  2017-12-24 by RBuddCumia

Just chippin ya. A Merry Christmas to you and your's.


What are they, changing shit in video games or something?

Fawkin PC humor!

Cumia ain't the only one to talk about the "master race"


What are we finding the remainder after dividing two numbers

Cock sucka

That's a little clever for Chip.

And me if we’re being honest here

Chip the riddler has you riddled, fawkin piece a garbage

A christmas riddle from the Chippa is your reward

They must be off their rockers.

Bea Arthur

They're dressed right for a beach fight.

What are ya makin' bump stocks an' shit for yo' rifle, cuz?


my idea is we should all be mods, that way no one can ban each other or remove each others posts

i keep dming spaceedge about this, but he hasnt gotten back

More like a buncha cigarettes in Britain!

More like u and up yours

And me if we’re being honest here