Tis the season

14  2017-12-24 by danofthed3ad


Am I supposed to know who you're messaging?

I probably wouldn't have cropped it of that was the case. Just Opie bashing with a friend, reveling in the misfortune of Tits brightens my holiday.

I thought you might have been directing those right to the Opester. I wish I had friends to make fun of Opie with.

I don’t have anyone in my life i could even think of sending anything related to this sub without being visited by the police for a welfare check.

Based on this, I've never been happier that I don't.

I know like 5 people who used to listen to OnA. Your circle of "friends" is queer

Wow. You let people know you know about o and a? What a faggot you are

You guys should 69

In the middle of the highway.

Homo nerd bonding. "Its a good thing."

We're both raging queens and borderline autists. So typical O&A fans.

Are ya?

You just outted yourself as a complete loser.

I submitted content to a sub about a show that doesn't exsist anymore. That was a given.

Lay down with your friend, fa la la la Wear a lead mask, fa la la la Take this capsule, fa la la la

Conversation should end with a murder suicide Fa La La La.

Note will end with "Tss Tss" Fa La La La

Thinks we'll stop bullying him if he goes along with the joke la la

I do have one friend who knows a little about the O and A universe but not on this level. Like the other day he asked me if i have seen these pop ups Opie is doing and Anthony appears to be making fun of. I had to casually say yes i have and they seem stupid. Rather than the truth, I’ve spent hours here mocking them, hate watching them, and creating alt accounts to mock Opie in his comments.

Imagine he's doing the same and was just feeling you out! You could have had each other's peckas in your mouths by now.

This is absolutely what's happening. Was he getting Opie updates from Wackbag?

More like tss the season

This is strike one

Tits the season

I submitted content to a sub about a show that doesn't exsist anymore. That was a given.